what is this??? so in what moment u decide as an algorithm enjoyer that someone who has lost 5 games in a row deserves another one... so in what mind dont you put time, tilt and a lot of more variables in the algorithm, if I got smoked once why i can not destroy at least once in the next two games?? There is a solution tho, just fire half of ur staff, u are losing money.

12 Replies
you are COOKEDDDD bro that loss streak
at least ur plat
im hardstuck gold 2
dawg i had 1 win in 12 games and i mvped 7 of them
just accept the fact that val has bad matchmaking
at least if they fire the matchmaking chief I would accept it
free money, and u have a motive to fire him
its not easy coding and programing perfect matchmaking
their doing the best they can
yeah if 5 loses in a row vs diamond or past diamond, 6th game NOT MORE DIAMONDS, easy as that
bear with first game back in plat/dia elo i cooked hard but not enough apparentely ðŸ˜

draw noo!! hahahha I would troll the next game so hard that I would be ban from every riot games
lmfao that's why i went to bed after that haha i knew i'd be so fucking tilted
loser q
if ure doing bad then just dont q the next one because ure just autopiloting and tilting way often
the only bug you are experiencing is living inside your brain