✅ Github Desktop - Can you switch accounts without messing things up?
Sorry if this is the wrong place/server for this question but it might be pretty basic anyway.
I have two GitHub accounts, one of them being for work. I love using Github desktop but recently discovered you can only really have one (personal) account signed into it.
I don't mind switching between accounts but I'm worried what will happen to the current state of my repositories the moment I sign off of the one I'm currently signed in to. Can I simply switch accounts freely and keep working on those accounts respective local/remote repos with no issue?
7 Replies
It would be excessively odd for it to affect the file system when you switch accounts, it should really just switch and not let you pull that repo on the other account.
Although of course if you're working on a private remote repo on account A then you'll only be able to push/pull to/from that repo on account A
Use Fork git client, it supports multiple accounts.
Fork - a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows
Fork - a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows
Fork - a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows
@Ab git itself has no concept of accounts, just remotes
the accounts just let you authenticate to those remotes, switching accounts shouldn't cause any issues
Unknown User•13mo ago
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Thanks guys! I was just worried that
switching accounts
would somehow affect the current local repos
But it looks like it didn't so far
Unknown User•13mo ago
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