Tunnel Dashboard is a bit odd
I guess this is more of an observation, but I find it odd how "Networks" are presented via CF.
Tunnels have Public Hostnames as a child resource. But then Tunnels have Routes as a peer, but the Route are tied to Tunnels. CF itself seems confused about this, on the Route page it says "Add a new public hostname or private network. Then, select a tunnel to route the traffic." but seems to only allow routing a CIDR, not a public hostname.
:/ am I misinterpreting things, or does this just need a bit of UX love?
3 Replies
Further, the way hostnames are configured as a child resource of the tunnel, but poke DNS entries on the entire zone, means it's hard to really have fully visibility of tunnel-associated records when editting a single given tunnel.
For example, I want to provision N*M tunnels, N services, M users, and then configure the DNS for each. I feel like it'd be much easier to manage this if I was seeing it from a more DNS-oriented view. Otherwise I can have conflicts that are only apparent from a different scope.
It feels like a large cognitive load, even though like, at the core, the various bits of tech is fairly straightforward to understand/imagine.
Routes are for private network and more like a VPN replacement where public hostnames are for DNS
Yes I understand that, but the way it's presented in the Portal is just a bit odd.
on the Route page it says "Add a new public hostname or private network. Then, select a tunnel to route the traffic."