VALORANT13mo ago


15 Replies
MixNix ★
MixNix ★13mo ago
Because your teammates are people, sometimes you are put with people that have different skill levels. I suggest playing comp. and use your skill to rise the ranks above people you deem "shit". If you stuck in a low rank with people with the same skill level as you, you can use the #looking-for-group to join a five stack
ChenOP13mo ago
i am asc on 2 accounts Both get shit teammates mechanically aand gamesense you can telol theyre monkeys
MixNix ★
MixNix ★13mo ago
@Chen You can join #looking-for-group to 5 stack
ChenOP13mo ago
does it make it any different tho? this game is like a stalemate you gamble teammates you might get good or shit u 5 stack u already limit ur capabilities and to get a good duo needle in haystack
Arii13mo ago
talking this way about your team is why you're in ascendant and not immo ascendant is where the mechanics typically cap elo wise before you need to actually work with your team sure some players absolutely suck but I guarantee you that you aren't the goat either, stop complaining about your team and work with them as best you can
MixNix ★
MixNix ★13mo ago
I do believe there is alot of things you can do to improve your team overall. Commuicate with them. Become a leader and encourage them. Maybe even tell them what they are doing right and what they can improve on. A good team is one that encourages, learns, and has fun no matter the score. I think you might be in the wrong game if something like what I suggested is to hard for you or not something you want to do. I play ranked with people with drastically different skill levels and sometimes we win alot and sometimes the skill of my team is just not as good as the opponents. But I have never once thought I was being restricted by Valorant or "shadow banned". Work with the team you have, communicate and have fun.
ChenOP13mo ago
easy for you guys in na i gotta deal with some depressed mfs russians or anywhere eastern euro[e that say gg round 2 if things dont go their way
Arii13mo ago
I hit radiant playing stockholm servers first episode and always hit at least immo every time I come back to the game again this argument doesn't hold, especially since you just don't have to play on those servers if you don't want to? just go london or frankfurt for the best experience
ChenOP13mo ago
then you should at least understand why im mad about this aspect i might be trash but the eu queue is awful
Arii13mo ago
yeah I've had some absolutely atrocious games on eu, but most aren't like that
ChenOP13mo ago
idk its so painful its like a bomb anyone could trigger and its gg
Arii13mo ago
at least in my experience, people usually calm down if you just don't deal with their toxicity most people don't fully throw when tilted and will typically just go quiet when they realize no one has them unmuted anymore some even realize they were being rude for no reason and can go back to normal comms after a few rounds, your teammates are humans not goblins
adley294013mo ago
games are coinflips anyways you could win 10 in a row and lose 10 in a row is almost like you play until the game decides u can rank up
ChenOP13mo ago
i dont know what your eu is then 1 in 3 is a shit lobby attitude wise
OsWaynZz13mo ago
Make it good then ? And could probably be your mmr also idk, when i was gold playing with gold they were toxic but communicate if you asked them, when i was plat with and vs diams ascendant they were cool if you say "hi, how its going?" And didnt instalock

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