CloudFlare Tunnel - why is it so hard?
I don't understand why CloudFlare Tunnel makes it so hard to do certain things.
I want to use a custom domain, I want to use Cloudflare Tunnel, I don't want to run a system service as root.
cloudflared tunnel login
does not actually give me access to the named, portal-created tunnel. I can't find any way to use the JWT that Cloudflare won't even show to me with cloudflared tunnel
At this rate, just putting this machine on the internet and just adding temp DNS entries is feeling easier than figuring this out.10 Replies
seeing this page makes me very unhappy right now. Please just show the token. I guess I can copy this and then rip it apart myself, but like why
granted, i don't even know what to do with this token either.
Is this at least documented somewhere I can't find?
Which tutorial are you following?
I'm not. I'm looking at this going, yeah, but how do I just use
cloudflared tunnel run
I'm just not thrilled with being presented "run this command as root to start running some service". That's not how I manage Linux boxes.
The command the service runs is just
cloudflared --no-autoupdate tunnel run --token <value>
if you copy the command, the token is that end bit there
service install <token>
You can also do
TUNNEL_TOKEN=token cloudflared tunnel run
nice, that one worked for me. And the former probably failed because I was giving the tunnel name, but I guess you derive that frm the tunnel-specific JWT
Super helpful, looks like I'm "unblocked". Thank you both so much!
yea the tunnel jwt contains the account id, tunnel id, and secret, everything it needs to run