voice chat issue help
I cant manage to open my voice chat i cant hear my teammates talk and i cant talk its completely closed even when i switch accounts the issue is still there
86 Replies

loopback test works but i still cant talk and this icon is there
I’m not sure if this bug still exists but it used to be that if you started league of legends before valorant then this exact issue would occur
If you did start league before this then the next time you start the pc, try valorant first and see if voice is working
i dont have league installed
Welp it was just an idea, your issue seems to be something else then, maybe a conflict with voice chat keys if you have only tried PTT? Could also be that the ports are blocked as well for vc maybe?
Did you enable your voice chat?

i tried changing it didnt work
i think so
can u hear urself in loopback tets
Yes, in settings I see it enabled
Are you using a mic or no?
yea i have headphones
they are working on discord and other stuff i don't think there is an issue in them
login into ur router web management page
see if theres any blacklisted/blocked
restart it tho
restart what?
ur router
and also
yea i did
check advanced firewall rules
and windows voice permission settings
from where?
type it in searchbar
check in/outbound rules
ok will check
allow valorant there
here? i couldnt find valorant in any of the settings

advanved firewall
not this
maybe that advanced settings at the left bar

nothing here also
in out bound
click on it
i mean it has gui, no way u cant see

no valorant there
click V
it will bring u there
yea nothing
nothing starts with V
new rule
add the valorant shipping win64 exe
two rules tho
one tdp
one udp
same with out bound rules
so total 4 rules u need to add

like this?

and did u select the win64 shipping executable?
in programs section
this right?

in the shooter game binary folder

all right?
all ports
and u need to make two
two different protocol types
one udp one tcp

looks like this rn
now do the same with out bound rules
this is out bound
make inbound?
also when i choose port i cant select the program directly is that alright?

i had to right click the rule and choose what program it works on
from here

for a program
u literally allowed every app that uses tcp or udp if u chose port rule
Are you on a Desktop, or Laptop?
doesnt matter
also he said
he can hear himself
in loopback tests
so its not a microphone issue
Yes it does, his Valorant settings are in defualt
it doesnt
If he's on desktop and his valorant settinsg are connected to the microphone
it wont work
same on laptop
if he's on laptop it would work
its same
cause there is a mic inside the laptop
its about os and driver issue
if u talk about that
u still wont be able to use ur laptop speaker
if u didnt install drivers
If the drivers work on other applications
and the mic is only having issues on valorant
its the microphone not being connected
learn more how they work
i cant pick tcp or udp if i choose for a program
u can
its in the second step
as u can see on the left bar

proceed first
u can change afterwards
ok i think i did it
idk how u get this dumb conclusion, if ur mic worked on other apps, then its not about it being not connected
i did for program then edited udp and tcp afterwards
now try if it works
still didnt work
did the game ever prompt u for firewall permissions?
it should
and check ur rules again
make sure theyre correct

it should be something like this
run cmd as admin,
netsh int ip reset
netsh winsock reset
ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew
ipconfig /flushdns
after that restart ur pc
& if u arent in a party or a game, it will also show as muted
if u arent in a party, u need to hold ur push to talk key
while being in a game
Same voice issue happened with me
how did you solve it
ok will retry again
ok will try those too hopefully works
Bro it wasn't fixed yet
tell me if you figure it out
@mythea the cmd didnt work

these are like this too
i think i found the issue
voice chat is banned in the country where I am right now
thats why i didn't have this issue before
if anyone knows a good free vpn let me know lol
@mythea thanks a lot for trying to help anyways :Spray_AllGood:
which country are u in btw
oh k
I live in Pakistan so what about my vc
probably same thing