vandal help

whenever i use the phantom i hit all my shots but when i use the vandal i get one head shot and than the spread goes way up and i can never get a kill with it
4 Replies
Abhyuday 😪
Abhyuday 😪13mo ago
That's what you have to get good at Control the recoil
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
you have to learn to burst spraying isnt meant for the vandal and you will most likely do bad if you rely on it just search up some guides for strafing and bursting and practise
cymurai ✧
cymurai ✧OP13mo ago
isnt the spread random i can control the recoil and keep my crosshair on the head and i dont spray like i can hit more shots with an odin than the vandal i feel like the odin takes a couple shots before it starts spreading alot but the vandal after that first shot it shoots like 5 meters sideways from them
Diet Pepsi
Diet Pepsi13mo ago
it is but it still follows a pattern spray control in this game is just keeping your bullets close to the center it wont be good for medium or long range but you will kill them fast enough at closer ranges i still recommend bursting tbh

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