randomly banned.
so i was playing normally withy friends and then won couple of match and then i got permanently suspended and somehow i got VAN 152 (not sure what this means) and then before i log out i got a sign said that im using 3rd party cheating software and im not evem cheating and i dont even know how and my friend said it could be the Outplayed by Valorant Tracker and im bot sure so im here asking how did i got banned and how can u appeal or get my ban remove?

12 Replies
not outplay and 152 is hwid ban
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
so how can i appeal it or remove it?
i just send the link to you brother xd
okay i did fill it out and i will dm u if i got anyother inform from then thank you
i cant help more
no need to dm me
alright boss
why is so much people here getting randomly banned isnt this suspicious?
do you just trust what everyone says?
they couldve been banned legitly and they are lying
its a he say she say but a random person vs highly developed program
Mostly people who got banned trying to hide the fact that they are using cheats
It's honestly very rare to get falsely ban
So I believe 99% percent of the time people got banned is def using something
fr tho
submit a ticket through support site to appeal your ban, use the link above.