falsely banned
hello, i got falsely banned for apparently using 3rd parts programs but when i send a ticket a bot just closes it immediately
1472 Replies
no other way
(3rd party bans will not be removed anyway)
i had a friend that had this and it got removed the 2nd day
they are just not replying to her tickets thats the issue
There is no advice we can give that will help you
idk i am just looking for people with similar experience
Vangaurd do make mistakes, but it's like 98% of time correct
if they are closing your ticket immeditaty, in their view, the software Vanguard caught was without a doubt a software that is flagged in their system
my guy i would know if i cheated, i was streaming on twitch as well when that happened and am sure vanguard detected my headset engine which caused problems on my pc anyway
Oh, what is your Twitch?
my twitch is 'notmaary' and there is a clip uploaded where that happened - im premier too xd

Me too
its just sad they dont reply to their players and let them feel guilty that they cheated
cause we cant even use any other account, cause idk what software it dected as a "3rd party"
which will get prob any other account banned
u got hardware ban? cuz i dont
not me my friend
not hardware just account
but a second ban could get u a hardware ban
first one should been an hardware ban, did he shared or buy the account ?
no it was a normal ban , she could logg in to another account but she wont risk it, And no its her account not bought or shared
a normal ? not third party ?
and so how she know she isnt hwid ban ?
isnt it if she s hardware banned
she cant play on any other account?
third party yee
oh she tried ? i trough you say she didnt want to tried
well she could loged in and saw that she could launch the game
but didnt do it to not risk anything
cause she doesnt know what caused the ban
its when you launch the game its say to you
say to her to create a smurf, play some hours and see if there is virus strange app something like that
isnt that risky tho in any way?
and how can she know about the virus starnge app
i mean i could get hardware banned for sure if i get a second ban on another account
if you hardware ban you will not be allowed to log in, it what we want to see
log in the account or launch the game?
analysing her pc, task manager, third party app etc many ways
i got the logs for everything
of what ?
like for the support
the logs of the 3rd party software she has
wdym ?
of my pc and the game if there ary any curruptet files
corrupted file dont make a you bad but a virus can, also you didnt log with riot in any kind of app ?
she got like logs of the 3rd party software she has that a riot dev would usually ask for in a ticket, but they are not replying to her, the bot just dismissing the message automactly
i got the shop app for the phone
oh xd dont search more
is it bannable?
why should that app be bannable
no clue
they dont use the official api they use a be like, to trick people, you give acces to your account by using them
ik its a third party
but not illegal
from what i see eveyrwhere
they take your login and sell them most of the time the app stay online 2 month to 1 years max, because the comment become worst at the end they finish on a bad 1.7 stars when they started at 4.7
oh, but i never saw weird activity with my account
and i believe vanguard picked up my headset engine which was causing issues for the last week
sometime you get ban when the guy log in
oh but i got banned mid game
yeah but it was 3rd party ban not account locked
oh ? maybe not that then
i am almost 100% sure its my headset engine
only if they can tell her whats the issue, just they are not replying which sucks
they get more often 3rd party since they are hwid ban
which software ?
jbl quantum engine
for sure not from this
i mean not a coincidence the same day she experienced an issue with it, and she had download multiple times
she gets a ban
is it
if you said razer and had razer cortex i would say maybe but not jbl
she has a razor
for her mouse
cortex too ?
is it cortex @marie
i got all the engines for razor on my pc
many people think they got ban because of that
i had a friend who got banned for having logitech engine/app
but it got removed the ban
cause they looked into it
but for @marie they are not
yeah can happen at a moment logitech had this problem, most people got unban expet the one with macro
i may or may not have had macro all the time
And I don’t got banned
tgm ?
tgm macro
wdym ?
saying twice wont make me understand im not native english xd
Make sense
i have macro on
but i dont use it
its just there
i made a mcro on my razor app for mouse wheel so i can make the super boost, never really used it ingame and forgot abt it
It’s a app for macro
nah she has the official razor app
not a diff
why would you use it ?
i have my macro on on logitech,
to try raze stuff
Da hood
maybe that idk too many thing wrong sadly
but i dont use it in game
I think the headset engine or macro
It’s 60-40
60 macro 40 software
could be yes
we can know what caused if they investigate for her
but at the end of the day there could also be a virus on my pc or whatever
but they just dont
3-4 days now nothing
either ticket closed by a bot or no replies
did you try making a ticket on another account ? a new account not a used one to be sure
Did even installed like something like cracked games or etc
I did 2 for her, and put her ticket ID number to check it again cause it was closed
my ticket open, still no replies
i got parsec which caused my headset to make issues
how much time ?
one a day ago, 2nd one today 3 hours ago
still open tho , but 0 replies not even a bot
just wait it can take about 3 day xd
Yeah i gotta wait now no other choice
hoping that works
I saw ur clip btw when u got banned
U got hardware ban
For more like 5 months
wait how did u know
Open a ticket
like where to i see that
hwid is 4
I saw it in some cheater stream
In tt
U sure?
val 4
yep but what did it say ? van 152 ?
I think
van 5 you mean ? and its a basic shouldnt be an hwid ban
I meant
U sure?
so is it hwid or?
So account ban
We don’t think so

that was the message
should be an account ban and not hwid if its van 5 but try on a new account or look in your email should tell you
if wondering
Rip account
How much did u spent?
In it
well if they look into it
they can reverse ban
cause wasnt a fair ban
+500 rip
yk thing is
I have good new games if u want
Nah we wont stop fighting
we are gonna get
the acc back
we just want a riot dev or submit ticket ro reply to her tickets 😔 THATS ALL
I will try woke mid morning
Like 6
Hope I can find riot dev
yeah usually
start at 7 i think
till 7 night? or 8
@Ahmad J how much time since she got ban ?
maybe if they can join this discussion
i am praying on my knees
its @marie btw
the friend
almost 4 days ye
we were in a premier game
why do i get banned for 30 min for taking a shit mid game
can you show the screen of the support ,
what exactly do you mean
only 30 ? good for you could be 24h or 1 week
its in german
but tickets status but it says closed
But they are not giving any info about it
they just dont answer
the screen of what they said
what info
about the ban
its just the auto message that the bot gives
i got banned as well
they wont tell you what make you ban
u mean the riot dev?
yeah they are not replying
this is the message both me and marie got

@marie send a ss of the ticket if u have it
oh then its a "we will contact you in 3 to 5 day if the ban was wrong if we dont the ban is right" ?
but unlike her
i got temporary suspension
and then immediantly after the ban expired i got perma ba
but it closes the ticket after 1 day
then its probably dead
yes and that message also includes the bot saying we will get back to you if you dont think you ban is false
oh ? then idk sorry
May allah help u bro
this what an old friend had a yeat ago, same exact ban, she sent a ticket and they replied to her after 4 days telling her it was a mistake ban

and lifted it
this is not fair
its cause
a riot dev
actually looked into it
thats the only reason
not an automated bot closing the message
Bro I’m scared
so a dev will not be able to see it
To get razor mouse
everything is scary
and a threat to vanguard
anything can trigger it
I hate it
even tho its one o fthe best anti cheats, the fasle bans are annoying
With no cheaters
razor is shit in ever case
I play raze 😔
( ik u meant razor )
i tried everything bro
2 tickets
i tried contacting a dev
i email them
i tried their twitter support
i did everything
+ it’s cost to much
no answer from a real human
yep yep same here
Gl bro
How much did spend
for a shit software, shit quality, and high budget
In shkels
Logitech >
But still scary
logitech at the top
I have 5 dollars
razer ? yep
More then 2 pcs
its not even 1 pc in my country
500 a pc ? where do you live i come with you
a "good" pc in France start at 800 atleast pc at 500 are pretty bad
u need maybe 3k euro for pc here
yeah but how much is the salary ?
For me
3.- 5k
Like 1500
Or 2000
For mid end pc
where do you live ?
what currency?
mine ILS
I mean high end pc or middle
oh then its okay
I saw something?
Or no
oh wait u understand hebrew?
oh goodluck brother you start... i cant say it xd
dont try
I’m not here to fight
Or like
it will auto ban
I respect u
We r not enemies
All humans
It’s okay
im not attacking anyone im always being attack by palestinians
So no fight?
the defination of being an israeli:
We all good
And forgot abt it
im chiilinnng
i think its better to not talk about otehr tsuff here, its mainly for her account ban :)
ik but one last questiong for u
Ask urself why and u will know
But yah
We need to get a riot dev
u live in the palestinian authority or in the israeli cities? cuz in the villages things cost less than where i live
For both
can we not
talk about other stuff
thank uoi
Palestine authority
I understand
I went to all city’s
In ur city
Water cost like 6 ils
For me 2
We r talking abt prices
not really
read ur messages again
but still
thats another topic regardless
its not for prices either
i tried contacting @UPS3RGE but hes not responding
we want to solve the issue of @marie account falsely banned not anything else.
wait i think ik who can help
no one on this server work for support
did u try that today?
@Riot Schmick HELLPPP
there is
the riot devs are herer
riot but not support
i can see jo ellen here too
dont ping them its in the rules
removce ur messahe
no need to
i mean if they work there maybe they know who could help yk
they have friends and connections
i tried in dc and also in twitter
they wont, not there job and if they had to do that with the little 100 forum created her about ban they would not finish the day soon
its so sad bro
u cant contact them
support ? by ticket/twitter you can
Riot support will be like
Dc one
What we will do
And pray
Or work more
yeah goodluck
they not responding
I m not banned
work more...
at least me
i have lots of skins there
i spent too much money to give them up
I’m scared to spend more then
200 ils
I will help y’all
me too ig i would stop after i get my acc back
U should
its not worth it
here its like a car bro LMFAO
germans be like 1500
Wait how much u spent for gaming nitro
I spent like 70ils in old account
300+ ..
i bought the yearly
Make sense
I’m gonna go search
For riot dev
accidantly bought xd
notify me
if u find something
im really willing to pay
If u can woke up at 6
I will to
They be like around
5 -4
im usually waking up around 11
U have no school?
i do
wait how old are u
turning 18
Make sense
I still did not get replies sadly
nor my friend who got banned
all her tickets got closed with no replies, i dont know if its a bug :(
its valorant bug
they have issue
with the servers
And its give banned for some peoples
where did u see that?
this game is fucking shit
riot is shit
no one want's to help
riot is shit
i agree
but i still wont let that slide
idk usually i get the help when needed
but recently
its been so off
same here
when i got suspended before that
they replied i think
im wrong they didnt
soo good company
riot would be deleted
i got banned on league for nothing and riot has fucked
same here
no reasons at all
no clue
just banned
if there is a dev sees this pls dm me i need help
im willing to pay
for it
@Riot Schmick pls
im sry for tagging i really need help pls dm me i cant dm u
i dont think its a good idea to ping but do it at ur own risk
i dont have any other option sadly no one is answering anywhere i can contact them this is so bad
i mean
there are some val devs here they might could help..
i wouldnt say it´s a bad idea in general, however, Schmick doesnt work in the support team. So the answer will be:
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
she works at riot she might would be able to do something
deliver it to who does work at the support
the support site doesnt help okay? no one give a s* about the tickets there they are auto closing
no respond
just this stupid bot
the bot closes tickets for 3rd party bans
(the support does not unban 3rd party banned accounts - "this action will not be reversed")
but like i said before, another friend of mine got helped with this, and it had the same bot reply
but yeah what can we do
yeah, as far ask i know you can still write a response after the bot responded - but i never was in such position
yeaah u can but once closed its done sadly
and i think the more u send
the more its gonna be taken as a spam and gets closed
im not accepting it just like that
i never cheated and riot cant banned over it just like that after so much time and money spent on this dumb game
you dont really have a choice
the least they can give me is answers
i wont let that slide
they wont have rest from me
they will just ignore you :2_PeepoShrug: you cant be the winner here
i dont think its a good idea
but good luck
its not about that
be creative and it would work 😉
proceeds to send bomb threads :kappa:
also, for what questions may i ask
You will just be blacklist dont worry and third party dont only mean cheat
why am i banned
why no one is f* responding
what triggered the system
what else can we do about it
and if that was really a good reason to keep the ban on my acc bcuz its making no sense according to the information i gave them
apps that give u advantage on any kind
i dont use any
no not always
so wtf else they dont give me any info about it
crosshair app
store app
sharing account
not the owner of the account
- either vanguard flagged an app/ file / whatever on your pc or your acc was used for cheating or similar to that, maybe shared / bought account (probably)
- because you spam i guess, also the unban request that wont be unbanned are managed by the bot
- they wont tell you, the more the user knows about how the anticheat works, the more ways are there to trick it
- literally nothing
- no idea
Cross hair app is iffy, a lot of pro players use it and as far as we know it’s not ban able
i dont think this should be a discussion in this post - doesnt really solve anything :OKAY:
- dont have
- wtf why
- got banned for it once (tempo)
- i am the owner
I’m just saying 💀 him listing stuff isn’t either, because none of that except sharing accounts is actually a known reason for being banned
as far as i know some store apps are very untrusted because the accounts that log in there are often hijacked (maybe used for cheating or sold, idk)
im not f spaming bro they are just not answering nothinggg
i opened 3 tickets
one after the other bcuz its auto clossing after 3 days
that im f waiting bro
thats cant be real
you wont get any new answers after 2 tickets have been closed :Pepethink:
u say that as if the first one got answered
it is
cmon bro
False. As it would ban anyone who uses it and I’m not banned nor r the pro players who use it
u really think they investigated this shit?
they didnt
never saw any pro used it, and confirmed by charlatan a lot of his student got ban because of it
and they dont need to to be fair
they f do
Unless it’s confirmed by an actual riot dev it’s not confirmed
i spent so much money there there no way i would cheat there bro
i deserve a f investigate
because store app are not riot friendly, could be for account sharing if you already got ban because of it
Then open a ticket
the only thing i have from there is just minecraft bedrock bro
radiant since beta on every account, biggest coach im pretty sure his info are solid and got check by a riot staff
:hmm: hear me out
an app is unsafe if the safety isnt 100% official
not the other way around
store viewer are on phone
silly of me!
how i couldnt think of such a genius idea
that mean your account got ban for something real
how so?
maybe you dont know why but something is there
and wtf is real about it
even then they won’t directly tell you what 3rd party app/ what exact program got you banned
virus, third party software and you said you share account
the last one is enough to ban perm
how tf
against tos ?
Yeah but
It’s not like
ok and? cant warn bro?
Common unless your extremely open abt it
Like the acc sharing
I tested that
you accepted the tos when you start the game are you stupid ?
why do you think they ask you 2 time and a case to verify to be sure you read it ?
they are a multi billion dollar company ofc they are f idiot
How much did you spend on Val
cmon bro its longer than the great wall of china did anyone even bother to read?
you accepted it anyways :pepeHmm1:
basic thing brother is bannable on every app and game, steam ban it, ubisoft, rockstars, every multiplayer do and every solo game
How old r you
still not a good reason to perma ban someone for that
it is
toxicity is also against the tos and everyone in this game is toxic
Tbf riots TOS r so much better then a lot of bigger games
Some games will ban you for having mods in the wrong folder and loading the game into multiplayer
stay perma (honest answer)
f dumb
:2_PepeLaugh: R⭐
Jfc just say
Yes literally
🤦♂️ 🤦♂️ 🤦♂️ 🤦♂️ 🤦♂️
🤦♂️ 🤦♂️
UPDATE: i sent another ticket, with a different subject, that i got matters with the tickets i already sent - i am just waiting for a reply now
i also got banned.. it says 3rd party applications.. but i never used any cheats..
i have many recordings of my gameplay... i am a clean user for 3 whole years
but i was dumb enough to open another account.. that lead me to hardware ban
third party like i said a dozen of time can mean everything not only cheating
well there should be a guideline of what should be there.. and what shldnt
oh yep that sad
i never knew (uptill now..) that using razer synapse to play games is a bad diea
but still tho.. i was clean for 3 years
that should vouch for me man...
is there any way to tackle this issue?
raze synapse no problem exept if you have macro its cortex that can make problem since it boost your game
nope- no macros..
and yes... i was using cortex also..
cuz why not? it helps to get better fps!
i never knew that was also not allowed
you got banned because you open someone else account that was hwid ban not because vanguard detected something
that was my alt 😅
but nevermind.. i have sent 2 tickets.. lets hope that will help..
shared account ?
can take about 3 day
thats fine..
i had submitted many more before this...
the blitzcrank bot says that it was rightfully applied.. and wont be lifted..
then closed the ticket..
so i put 2 more tickets 5 days ago.. lets hope itll work out
probably not
im using razor synapse to for my mouse
Any macros?
ye i had a macro but i had it for a few months
and many youtubers advertise it and stuff like why should it be illegal
For how many years you've been playing valorant?
started april 2022
but i still am not sure what caused the ban
Fair enough...
Welp... Ig we just gotta wait for the tickets to be replied by an actual person...
Not a bot
i never even clicked on my macro
Same here
yeee, at least there was no auto bot message that closed my ticket for now
Tbh that blitzcrank bot is a HUGE pain in the @$$
yee, like i want someone to look into it pls
Welp... Wishing you all the best
Keep us updated if your account got restored
Really... It's like riot showing the 🖕to us users
yess, i will and thank you,
Ur welcome
i understand its hard for the support if there are too many tickets but still no reason for riot to unemploy a lot of people for no reason who were keeping the game alive and sane
Think it would work?
devs do not have ban or unban power, nor can we look at account info for privacy and security reasons.
I get it.. oof
i do hope it works, there still is no bot reply and its still open- i wanna continue playing Val and stream on Twitch, that was like my passion :(
i need my duo back !
I already hop on my second acc..
I really hate riot for that now
They lost me there
i am still fighting
i believe i did nothing wrong so i just try and try and try
its my favourite game, i just bought my pc for that anyway
and i love streaming valorant
And jack
and jack
PLEASE i just want my old gaming life back :DGaquaScream:
Is valorant really all u play?
mainly yes
Wdym mainly
i barely play other games
rarely cs or some time fortnite
Ew fortnite
I used to play this
no need to shame other games
Now its a complete piece of crap
for you mayhaps
Hahahaha u getting offended for other games?
its not even the topic of this thread
i am just looking for help for my issue with the ban
I mean.. for maybe more than half of its players
u got offended by her saying "no need to shame other games"
seems like it
sure bud
Im still saying goodluck with that
Im still not positive
"Im" is the key word
If u dont have over 100k followers behind u they wont even bother to look
They are rarely investigate such a topic
wrong cause many people i know that dont even have socials got unbanned
Lucky for them
okay if you dont think it will work then wait for me to ping or dm you to update, there really is no need to spread negativity
Lets see then
Im going for some spike rush
watch out dont get banned again
Ha ha very funny
never ssaid i was
but ty
same here
ban for turning on secure boot
thats not how it works
i only turned on secure boot
and i got perm suspension for nothing
@OsWaynZz i cant
whats secuer boot not familiar with that
you need to activate it in order to be able to run valorant. i believe its for their anticheat to do somet stuff, not sure
ah i see
This has 700+ msgs 💀
you should read all. helps with forgetting reality and lose braincells
too much braining
how is this post still not closed by a mod
it has 700+ msgs bruh
discussing a game ban here is meaningless
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
My point
why is this still opened LOL
idk man
its so brainrot
dont read it then
simple as
am not.
then ciao
i just came here to seek help because nothing worked, and like u said it has many messages which is good and brings attention to my case :)
it wont bring any official attention to ur case
if youre being negative you can just leave, i wont stop trying
im not being negative
just u being way too positive
non sense
but nice try
and whast wrong with that? tf?
keep trying
try harder
there is no need to argue about my mindset
just unfollow the thread bruh its not that hard
just gonna tell u
it wont help
guess what
no one asked
thats all
about ur imput
aint reading allat
there is nothing wrong with trying but thank you sherlock
cope harder
i like it
Since you said they keep closing your ticket, do you know what 3rd software apps you're using?
stop projecting bud, not everyone cope the same way you do
i was using val tracker, spotify, streamlabs, overwolf and my JBLQuantumEngine (most likely my keyboard and mouse engines were running in the background too)
just like u said
u can ignore me
@Ahmad J
This channel is made for support, not arguing.
just leave the thread please if you just talk shit, i am sorry but that is just nonsense to argue about literally nothing
its my rights
I am trying to be respectful to him but he desont want and keep sending his negativity
sure u are being respectful
none of those should cause the issue, which headphone/mouse engines are you using do you know?
but he s getting ignored from now on
for my headset its JBLQuantumEngine (which i had to reinstall same day i got banned cuz it caused issues) and for my keyboard i got the GMMK2 and i have a razor mouse
its just funny
i like the way how hard u defend this post isnt meaningless
razor cortex right?
i either think its my headset that caused the ban or my razor because i did have a macro, not sure if i can get banned for that tho
i mainly use synapse but i have cortex installed too
Those shouldn't cause the issue.
Since you're saying they keep closing your ticket, have you made multiple of the same ticket? that would cause them to close any of the same/similar tickets you're sending to them.
I've used those for almost 2 years now, never had a issue with riot.
she did send a new one, but a diff categorie mentionning her tickets ID that got closed
and for now open and no bot reply
so hoepfully no closure this time
yes i made a ticket twice with the same subject, now i got another subject, regarding i have an issue with my ticket lol
the ticket is still open after 18 hours
no bot nothing
also i think
Yes, Tickets are first come first serve its going to take a bit for the response
usually 24-72 hrs
its rare ccase where mouse engine gets false triggers
yee, i got the patience, i just dont want my ticket to be closed again
It could, so we'll need the respond from riot.
Hopefully not.
and old friend of mine, cause of her logitiech, it got her perma banned that got overturned
ye hopefully
just to mention btw it happened on her stream while we were playing premier too
we were happy we thought ennemy jett got banned cause she was sus a bit
but then shockngly it was her
yeah sadge
@marie have u seen what i send u
Very important for the case
ur case was different tho
i got banned mid match
not whilst trying to log into my account
The first ban hit inside a match tho
and ive never been banned before that
We went into comp game and in the loading screen into the match i got the first ban
The second hit after the first is gone
but that wasnt a perma ban
the first ban i mean
Im still perma tho
ye after the first
And no hardware banned
but i never had been temporarily banned before either
i actually am not sure if im hwid banned dor not
Well it could help ur case
i never tried launching the game on another account
yeah thats the weird part, never got a tempo ban , ur first ban was a perma
Its important info
ye maybe, but i deinstalled val anyway now cuz for some reason it took away 3tb of my space
U could just try on new acc to see
Either way u would need to lift ban to play
a bit ritsky, tho i saw people saying make a new account , and if first day not banned
that means no hardware ban
but if im for example not hardware banned now and try to launch the game on another account, i will definetly get hwid banned if vanguard detects something again
but not really worth the try
i am just too afraid if my headset engine is causing the trouble
Well im playing with 4 different accounts and not hardware banned
Which just keeps proving my case
i am not too sure if thats good, didnt u say youre hardware banned now
But riot never respond
They closed all my tickets
My first and my second
try a different approach with the tickets, different subject etc
And the 3rd which i tried in different subject
for me too, i got a third ticket, with a different matter and its still open
i sent it yesterday
Lemme try..
just send it as in game question
and then put ur ID ticket that got bumped and talk about ur case

thats what i did, i mean no reply yet but it for sure doesnt take too long from now
I tried
and got bumped?
2 44 minutes ago?
Both tickets got closed at the same time
and was there a
bot reply?
thats weird
They literally showing me "get tf outta here we dont wanna help you"
Like that
and what was the bot reply
its just the bot closing that
if its same subject the message just gets run thru a bots system and he closes that
u need to change a bit of the message too or else will be a spam prob

thats weird
considering topic wasnt account suspended
Lets try that
did u send the ticket under the subject suspension?
This one no
Under quetion about the game
i m getting falesy penatied that i cant play
U perma or tempo banned?
its like 1 hour 30 mins
it was 30 minutes
after it finsihed
then i went to play
it gave me penalty 1 hour 30 mins
yeah it happened to me once
i got 15 min
for being afk in tdm
i wasnt even afk
then it was comp ban 1 hour and half
and premier ban saddly
what was the cause?
i just loaded a bit late
i have a i3 4005 u laptop
ah yeah
even with my really good pc sometimes i load longer
it is what it is
just wait out the 1.30h

what if it extends after another round
i am not sure, i never got banned before, not even temporarily suspended from game
nah i doubt
but if u are in a premoer team
im thinking of making a new account
ur prob banned all act in prem
what does prem stand for
i forogt
im like lvl 3 - 4
oh damn
ah i see
yea i just got it today
i wana play dawg
i want to grind bro
ME TOO :2DAquaCry2:
yeaah man
i need to grind to become proer
bro i might need new acc
premier is nice, sadly this act is over for our team
dont worry too much, itll be fine
alr ill see
i already made a new account cuz im too bored
theres also a big smurfing issueee
yeee, but i can assure you smurfs are not always too good @Ahmad J
well thank u guys for ur help
ima peace ou
I think invest in a new pc too cause it might cause an issue again, u have an I3
im gona get new
just remember the comp matches we played when everything wa sstill okay
hmmm there is alot
which ones
turkish cought
gold lobbies
oh god
the hardest elo u mean
defo was easy to play in
man i just wanted to grind and peak my peak but i got banned
diamond soon
trust me
i even got better recently which made me so happy
u will be even happier watch
just u wait
Whats ur peak again?
plat 1
ok now i need help
how am i getting their attention?
im doing another ticket
wth do u want what
i personally got a reply not long ago , i told them about what happened with marie and what she did
they said they cant talk straight to me, and that hopefully hopefully they will reply to her new ticket soon
i dont think its good to do one now
didnt u do one earlier or not yet?
i told u
those are my tickets

yeah ik
but u said earlier u were gonna give it a try again
have u?
and i have some in LoL support some how bcuz i tried their twitter
or not yet
i didnt yet
ah okay
i am writting a new message rn
i was in middle of do so
ah alr

i thought its live chat but only today i found out accidantly that it created a LoL support tickets
oh the one on twitter
yeah i tried that once
its LoL for some reason
even tho
they ask in chat about wht game
and I put val
oh wait

i got an answer
and wait that ticket number he mentionned
is it open or closed
as in did they reply
im writting a message now
to who ever it is
hope for the bestt
there is no more place for tickets so i will ask here sry I just installed the game for the first time.
The problem: The game launches- all smooth - in the menu i click once - the menu freezes and i can not press anything (cursor is flickering and I can still hear the game music)
What I tried:
1. Run as admin
2. Uncheck and Check fullscreen optimizations
3. Check if game files were messed up
4.Reinstall Valo
5. Reinstall Valo and Launcher
6. Restart the game multiple times
7. Updating Drivers
8.Updating Windows
Nothing worked
Extra Info: Good Internet connection, ell above minimum specs also 16gb ram- cant be the problem right? Thank youuu
it something in the graphic card settings i believe
so what should i do
i sent the message now all left to do is wait..
turn off Variable Refresh Rate in graphics settings in display settings in the settings app // or try to change ur graphics settings from high to medium, turn off all the options (vignette, shadow, bloom, etc) close settings menu then change it back to the original settings
it is set to 144hz, how can i change my ingame settings if it freezes right away when i start it
oh no

not this bot again
thats.. not gonna end good
it already ended
its still open tho
continue then, didnt know
the real agent responded today 2 hours ago i gave them the information and now this mf bot again
then wait. gl
Try to play on windowed full screen
@Ahmad J
u said u know some people who go unbanned right
after how much time ?
Like. 4 days
tried but doesent work
is the that bot respond is something i should worry about? like really it closes it automatically
Idk it seems it’s the reason it closes tickets
Just hope for a dev to be there before so
im hoping it would not
still no reply to my ticket yet
When did you open it?
1 day ago
i got one but now waiting
i mean i sent my ticket actually 24 hrs ago, means one more day and i hope i got a reply by then
Please use this channel :D
What do y’all think about these pair of sardines

i think u confused this with #general
One piece episode 369
Good luck with the journey my girl
why does it says last update 7 mins ago and nothing is there

im getting trolled by riot wtf
Show all of it please

im checking it every hour almost
Refresh the page
and now its says last update 7 mins ago even do nothing is there

last message is this bot from idk how much hours ago
Sorry, I don't know. But don't make more then one ticket, they won't response. Your appeal was already been denied
well i did open 3 all closed
this is on LoL support
bcuz i did it through twitter and it opened there like 5
and an actual agent replied
Again, you won't be unbanned. Once your appeal has been denied
i cant know if its denied or not
its auto closes it
mine i send yesterday, now there is activity an hour ago too, but no reply

i guess someone just opened it or maybe even looked into it idk at this point
maybe a bug even?
If your not unbanned after its closed. Its been denied
mine just sent me to one ticket and now no one is replying
90% of the times they dont even open the ticket bro
just wait until u get a message, no more tickets, just that one thats still open
"If the decision is to modify the account's suspension, we'll get back to you in this ticket"

they opened @Ahmad J ticket, where he asked for help for me lol
There do
look at this @Saucywan
what about it?
yup but not for u
thats the problem
but they did reply
to me
2 diff devs
after a day and half
Were you unbanned?
they cant help u through him bcuz of their policy
i sent them her ticket number
thats what im saying
they replying to you
not to us
aand said they shoudl look into it if she sends another new and one more ticket
which she did
omg smh
even if they can solve the case the arent opening it
see exactly what im saying
@ג'אק What were you banned for?
i got 2 bans in a row
the perma is for "3rd party software"
which i dont have anyt
and not hardware banned
You sure?
temporary banned from 01/26 till 02/09 and the exact date it expired the perma came in
ye but what did u do to get perma banned
like just open val or play ?
1. im not hardware banned
2. yes im sure
3. how can i cheat when im temporary banned
doesnt that look a warning thO?
A hardware ban is only for cheating
like 2 warnings
and then a ban
ye but how can you get banned again, did u play the game after?
so something is up
i couldnt even play... i kept myself awake untill the 4:14 am for the ban to end and login into perma ban
but you told me you got banned mid game and the other time you said that your friend was on your account
how tho
i mean i dont think it was..
idk its weird i dont understand what happened to you at all
it also came in middle of comp
bro, i
you said u log into perma ban but then say it came in the middle of comp
the same date it expired the same second i got the perma ban
i could even play
not for a second
it surely has to do with ur friend loging in then, they prob had like a 3rd software app ( not necessercly cheat) and it got like 2 diff ip adress and a 3rd party app idk
what does that mean then

how can it detect 3rd party software when im not even able to play
the tempo
not the perma
ahhh, ye thank you for finally clarifying
idk either i told them about this subject and no response
i cant know what really happened
you got one open ticket @ג'אק just wait for something to happen there
hope so
i told u multiple times tho xd
they wont tell you anyway, you can tell them what u think happened and they might look into it and see if thats the case
maybe i got hacked idk
no you were confusing me, you said multiple different things but not for which ban etc and yk one just needs that information
bcuz i didnt change my pass in months
and also i use some passwords in some other places
i never changed my password since creating the account and i even gave my friends access, never once it got hacked
i can say it again
i got into comp with 2 more friends on 01/26 4 am
got banned in loading for the game to start (temporary ban)
untill 02/09 4:14 am. and logged in ( at 4:15 am 02/09) the second the ban ended and logged into riot launcher and got a message that im perma banned

i have long history with hackers xD
the reason i changed multiple gmails
thats unfortunate, we got a different issue tho, because for sure i believe my headset got me banned
Still talking ? If the support deny all the ticket even those of your friend accept it, you didnt respect tos so your ban is right in every cases even if maybe they didnt ban you for this
i swear i am clean and convinced i got falsely banned
If its that you will be unban no worry, but you still have store viewer and shared account so they will probably just not unban you
i was just unlucky that all my two tickets got closed by a bot, no support has seen them probably
Yea can happen they have moee than 1000 ticket for ban by day sooooo...
i can garantee she doesnt have any cheat stuff , am pretty sure its a big or a flase trigger , she is my duo and ik how she plays and everything, am not saying this will help the case, but for sure she got falsely banned
i got banned for 3rd party mid game, they detected what i believe is my headset engine and that should be reversible
Didnt said she had a cheat, like a said a dozen of time third party mean everything
ye ye ikk was just saying
its annoying
thats why i send them a ticket, that i got an issue with anoither ticket and need help with that, not talking abt the ban directly
If its your headset -> unban
For me its sharing account and/or shop viewer -> ban
Tell us when you will know
yee i update my situation regularly, am just waiting for my open ticket
we are not even worried for now, we are waiting for her ticket to be open, its mister Handsome jack coming to tell us the same things all over again, we know all we gotta is wait and so should he
what do you want from me
:razeshushing: patience
i dont have any
we see that
its not gonna help us talking about it all day
but u need it
its u that always talking here
damn, almost 1200 messages
tf did you guys do in here lmao
im just coming to see if theres a update and updates my situation myself
waking up to 100 messages only here
Talk shit a lot of shit
@Saucywan how its going ?
You know, just waiting on riot
No i dont know :val_CatBigStare:
The van 1067 error may be fixed this week :D
Oh this one xd
pls no other topics here
I dont think, you should wait another 1 month
u can chat in dms
yes pls
@OsWaynZz Go to the tag chat
Sorry :D
In every case, this channel will get delete when a staff will see it, but if you want gn
Ping me xd
also, don't bother the support team will more then one ticket please. @marie Tell me if you get unbanned, if not ill see what I can do!
well the so called staff wants to see the actual topic not other topics
@Saucywan you can do something :pepehmm:
They close ban topic, every time not just your
for some miracle reason this thread is still alive, i mean my issue is not fixed and i did not spam the tickets, i am waiting since yesterday for a reply to an open ticket of mine
here we are
and yes she isnt spamming tickets too
1208 message is wild
after 1.2k messages ofc its still alive xd
if u look at the convo it looks more like miister Handsome Jack's thread more than Marie's , he s the one typing alot
average wait time can be up to like a week or two if you're unlucky though, especially if by yesterday you meant sunday
yeye sunday i sent the ticket
the weekend is by far the worst time to submit tickets since they'll get pushed to the bottom before any support actually starts reading them
bruh wtf do you want from me im not even active here fucking stop
im ignoring 200 messages every hour
look it up bro u have moer messages than me and marie combined
and its her case
ur just typing the same thing form what u said yesterday tahst why, no updates
just same things over and over
i have my thread as well
but marie's got more attention
key word
so i left mine and came here since its still getting so much attention
because i tried to get attention to my case lol
it had like 40 messages at the time i opened mine
if im not wrong

am not trying to hate am just saying that the OP is not trying to spam the therad

yeah and that was me talking mr jack
and triyng to explain maries case
mr jack was typing the same words
and over
and i tried to explain mine
multiple times
bcuz no one gets what im saying
he is actually replying for me somethimes and answering questions abt me when i dont have the time for it
and that too ^
am not saying some random stuff or repetetive
falsely banned community help channel >> general
over 1M people in the server
for sure some could understand u there
sorry lol
You watched 7 other episodes
Calm down
Hi guys, I had the same error as you, when playing Valorant I fell and took an hour of ban, I solved it in a simple way, even, on the Valorant icon on the desktop and just right-click and go in properties ----->>compatibility and activate compatibility mode with windows 8 or higher and set Valorant to run as admin, I hope it helps.
ehm, i doubt it helps for a perma ban but ty for sharing this tho :)
This wont do anything
thats nothing to do with it lmao
I was having this, I fell off and this message appeared, so I assumed there might be something in common
wym u fell off
u got banned cause u fell off ur chair?
That is a ban message
also yeah
its tempo ban
You can't fix it
not similar at all
and this ^^
if u are tmeporary banned dont worry it would end at the date it gave u
UPDATE: i got a reply saying they ‘thoroughly investigated’ my case - all that happened was a bot instantly closing my ticket - my ticket got closed to no surprise but i dont care, i still prove to them im innocent :)
Were you hwid banned?
we are not sure
but it said val 5 error and some people said
its no hwid
they are not even try to reply to any question, we asked if its hwid or not, we asked what caused
radio silence nothing
you didnt asked to me
i didnt get what u said here ^
you said you ask to people for hwid, i said its not and you didnt question me after
am not sure who it was
but it was 2 or 3 that said not hwid somwhere
after i sent a ss of the error she got
good job
i tried from another account now waiting...
i send a ticket from another account, but for some reason it got sent over my main which got banned
anyway, i send them my logs and all in that to check with them if my pc is clean and running
i doubt they reply because i kinda accidentally spammed
hopes still there
wait real person or bot?

the old which agent replied to me got closed
i assume its a real person that replied, it didnt say ‘bot’ anywhere
What was the username of the agent?
That is not a bot
the message didnt make sense tho
they said , we already replied to that ticket and investigated
but no one replied
i made a macro in my mouse that shoots three shots with vandal is that bannable ?
at this point i try everything - if this works on an account thats banned idek anymore

First ban is always a HWID ban and the account you played on with is perma banned, not appealable. Second ban is just permanent ban, HWID perma ban and account.
but still if its false posiive it can be undone
its never not appealable lol
The account is not appealable, the HWID ban might be
no lol
i said multiples times
same thing happened to my old friend
and she got her acc and hwid ban out
@vamp why do you come back and re launch this conv :Phoenix_Sad:
We are going on 2000 message for the next week
i just keep updating, idk what everyone else wants here
Make it the biggest threat :Brim_SeemsGood:
Pretty much impossible, but apparently rarely does occur
and i am one of the rare cases
They don't bother to thoroughly investigate every perma ban with reason 3rd party software used, that's why the reply for everyone is the same. They always say they can't do anything about it and that the ban stays :/
i will try and try and try, thats why i sent the ticket with artwork for vp
then just let her try her luck , no need to take her hopes away u know
make an actual dev talk to me
and yk its gonna be a diff storry
if it was a streamer right
like a known streamer
I don't think I'm taking her hope away at all , just being realistic here because it's not some small indie game that will just unban you for anything. It's a multi million dollar company that has a status to uphold and they can't just unban anyone wether its fair or unfair.
Life isn't fair
ik u r being realistic, but just let her be then lol, she is just updating whats happening, ,not asking for imputs or opinions
mark my words, i will make val unban me somehow
i would even send my pc
let them check my carreer my stats whatever
You got it 💪
Hello, I was banned 3 times for 3 minutes, I contacted riot who told me he understood my situation and that we would look into it, then he spoke to me as if I had been banned permanently and i wanted to lift my sanction.
Im losing braincell reading this channel
Mine are all gone
then dont, i just am updating my situation bzhsjsjaokakaoq
The people responding to you
Me reyna me peek
Me sage me heal
me go reyna me go swing
You should be ban hwid for this
Don't worry, I'm on it

😔 its fine at least i get to suffer the ban like my duo
Ban is easier than unban
true but i need something in return
You can come to France i will show you the best baguette you will ever eat
Je suis a lyon Beau gosee
omg really?
What's the ticket number?
lemme see one sec
Trop loin
ah ouais, tu viens d'ou
my french classes
Time to remember pain my brother :val_CatBigStare:
No, please
5 years
Pk c'est toujours les fr qui ce font ban hwid des jeux ? :val_KekwSob:
I do french since 16 years
Are you saying...
loool elle n'est pas francaise
I'mma be honest, I say I'm not racist, but french people are an exception
Allemande ?
Yes im a kid saying kiddo xd
wait u actuaully want it?
Dont worry in france we all are racist and jalous of everyone
i can give if u can atcually help
Yo I was here when this was only 200 messages
Why is it 1406 now
Just forget about ur valorant account 💀 it’s gone, find a new hobby ig
I have contacts at riot. But again, you may be just be banned
nope, i wont give up i know for a fact i got a false positive
Tip of the day: Have friends is a good thing
@Saucywan making his good act of the years
yesss, thats why i appreciate @Ahmad J
like me getting banned?
for her to get unbanned?
are u sure?
nooooo, dont get banned
u didnt do anything wrong :/
But where do you live. NA?
Her staying ban he mean
Germany no ?
so if i give u ticket number u can help her?
yeee german
Welp there goes that
Oh xd i did some fun thing with german guy and girls :val_KekwSob:
I'm from na not eu. Different staff
German are really good but since covid most of them coming in France have no respect sadly
oh damnnn
so nvm
no more ticket id 😔
Im going to sleep, have a nice day @Saucywan
Ouais tu es bon pour le faire mais je pense que c'est mort si tu trouve pas un taff de chez riot
Its dead if if he dont find a riot staff
Yeah, after an appeal. It's auto closed
1% chance of being seen
at about 2-3 tickets, there will respond saying that the appeal is denied, and kindly ask to stop opening tickets
even if she makes new tickets without mentionning her ID ticket?
like just putting logs and files, and stats or clips to prove
To be unbanned they need your account and its ip logged(I think it is) too
dont they have access to it?
like to everything
they are just basing off their "appeal denied" from a bot tho
its kinda dumb
access to what?
the IP logged
of the account
Maybe I don't know about that
am pretty sure they do cause thats how they can detect sharing accounts
Its passed to another team for first appeal bans
diff IPs
i mean i would send them all my data but my tickets just get closed
well i think at least
if you got thousands of cheaters acting like they didn't cheat in tickets you had to respond to every day you would probably try to automate it too
for sure i dint judge but damn they make it hard
the only diff here , is she sent them proof, her process list and logs and data of her pc
support is already a horrifying role to work as professionally, much less when its about angry teenagers online
Can be faked sadly
that proves nothing
I could hop on val, cheat my ass off then close the stuff and take a screenshot
but then thats bs bruh
i'm legit guys truuuuuuuuust
there is no way to prove your innocence as the player here
i still got my stream vid my tracker my career in val, they can check everything
only the people with access to the vanguard log of why you got banned can know what happened
only thing pissing me off is, she hasnt played for 2 weeks and her stats shows enough proof that she doesnt aannnd she was streaming
so dik
you can hide radar hacks or walls for stream and also use low level aim assist
doesn't prove anything sadly
yeh but then 0,6 kd and 24% is surely dumb if u cheat
i say it again 4/12/1 when i got banned
and not having high rank
true but think about it right
Did you get the red screen
a good player wouldn't need to cheat
Or were you banned outside of the game
in game
mid game
mid game
round number 16
and to try and hide the cheat it has to be on low settings so a bad player with low cheats will still be pretty bad
pr 15
You were kicked mid-game
But no cheating screen??
no just error
i got it
and my friends
not her
there is the clip on her twitch
but idk if i can send clips here
From clips . twitch . tv
you can't
ah damn
but yeah its weird
thing is
u can go on my profile and see that clip on my twitch if u want
called ‘banned during premier’
What is the error code: 60 something (i forgot :( ) or 5
if u q with cheaters, all her teammates get unbanned, but we didnt get nothing, and i q with her almost everyday
val 5
5 is for normal perma
Yeah i know
i only had val 5 on my screen yea

Normally its 61
For red screen cheating bans
hmm somthing sketchy here then
what about this ^ ?
did you word this wrong?
i think
excuse my dyslexic
if you queue with a cheater you can get banned too if you're unlucky
I have zero idea what that says
if u q with cheaters, all ur teammates in party get banned, but we didnt get nothing, and i q with her almost everyday
my bad
it was a hwid ban, right?
because you're making it kinda sound like a normal perma ban
It is
yes i got hwid banned
welp this is why you get to know a couple of people on the support team just in case
i believe the diff between val 5 and val 61 is for third party and other stuff that gets u banned btw
so you don't meet the great blitz
how would i know i get falsely banned in the future 😭
you don't ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the bot who answers all your tickets
blitzcrank or whatever the name was yes

this dude
wait no, val 5 means ‘account was logged into elsewhere’

Its been changed
this is confusing me since that happened mid game
ye, you can also get van 0, van -1 etc
almost any connection error can be shown on bans
mhhh okay
but still no cheater screen, is that usual? because why would the ‘cheater’ themselves have the red screen
uhh I think you see the red screen for a little bit then you just get an error message
^ Correct
okay but since i didnt see it at all, thats odd idk

just to make you cry a little inside
every ticket I post gets a response within like an hour if its during business
whats that
I've submitted so many bugs and exploits
Imagine making tickets
imagine getting only bot replies (cries in corner)
imagine not knowing several exploits to crash any lobby you don't want to be in
three edits is crazy
blitzcrank a homie tho
we need a blitzcrank emote
weird cause she didnt see any at all
and when is the buisness btw
is it 7 to 7?
no weekend?
they do work during the weekend, probably just not as many people on shift
i see
just don't submit it like past midnight utc and you'll probably get a response rather fast
at least I do, I know some people have had to wait like 2 weeks before xd
technically they have to deal with legal issues and billing problems faster than normal tickets if you want to be a dickhead when submitting to get it looked at faster, they might not be too happy though
val store check time
What a crazy response for a ticket about a ban
but it is
I got trash
ah okieee
i see ty
I tried to contact them through my smurf account to see if i can get an answer..
They are literally not serious
schmick clearly said they can't unban anyone
support has control over that
not the devs
i got the same message
dang it
Stop cheating
Skill issue
No cheat, no val 5 no van 152
Don't come here complaining that it's false ban bc it's actually really rare, so please stop cheating
If the false ban is that bad I'm sure everyone today will quit valorant bc of it
Don’t remember asking for your input
the unfollow button is looking nice for you press that
why tf would i cheat on account that i bought so much things on are u fucking serious?! why would i even cheat in general
its not so rare after all
i saw many with the same issue
stop capping
Aww butthurt
Cause y'all cheaters will never admit y'all cheat, u feel me?
u are lifeless
on god
Ouchhh, calm down young man. Raging is not good for ur health
Wa wa wa keep crying m8
It's a community post? u can yap here and I can't give my 2 cents?
Pfft pathetic
yo friendless bullied kid dont u have something better to do with ur life right now except going in community help posts to annoy people? ig not :D
Annoy? I was putting out legit comment
U didn't like it bc it was true or what?
stupid comment u mean
It was not directed to u, so why butthurt?
Was I personally attacking you?
Sry if u feel that way tho bc I was just stating some facts here
Hate the game not the player
not true at all buddy im just alergic to small brain people :)
its the alergic reaction
Feels bad for you man
if u dont believe her go watch it on twitch
dont go to people and start attacking them like u know what happened or not
Do u know not all cheats are walls right?
Some can even hide from streams
i know you dont need to teach me i used to code buddy
Btw I just sharing my knowledge not personally attacking her/him anyways
Wowoww so proooo of you
not in this case..
whats the point in cheats if u dont take to reach like the highest ranks or something
its not like valorant have better gamemodes
than comp
shes not radiant
just gold player
Oh well many people do cheat and stuck at just the above average
never seen gold player cheating
bcuz its stupid asf
and another thing why would someone cheat on their main? that u actually paid money for skins? it doesnt make any sense
Ok 😄 u do u mate, the codes y'all receive is something to do with 3rd party program and if official valorant support doesn't wanna help, here won't do much too bc it's a community server
not sure if she would fight for alt account that got banned
Well val 5 and van 152 is hwid banned
i never cheated in fact i was temporary banned the time i recieved the perma banned and could not even play the game anyway
So stop logging in to any accs until it's solved
im not hardware banned im playing with my smurf right now and im banned since 01/26
Oh well then valorant prob updated and implemented more error codes now
Back then val 5 and van 152 is hwid ban
i dont watch the patch notes

the same message i got

then tempo ban
and perma when the tempo ban expired
the same date exactly

even if i was cheating couldnt even play to cheat on the first place

This val 5 is outdated if not mistaken. The val 5 I know was banned during in game, rest will get red screen and cheater will get val 5
For van 152 is when you logged in and if u receive it, the game client will kick you out when u try logging in again, you will receive a perma suspension notice just like that one u sent
Well only the official riot support can decide. Take care everyone, didn't mean to personally attack anyone honestly. Just sharing what I knew, I could be outdated too since there's so many new error codes now
i got the message i sent u here (val 5) and it was in the loading screen after agent select in comp with friends no one got red screen it just show them that i disconnected and they remaked the game, i kicked out with this message then tried to relunch and it said im temporary suspended untill 02/09 4:14 am i was playing with friend in my smurf in the same date i waited for the ban to end and the second it ended i logged in to another message says im perma banned
u can tell me urself what u think it is..
yea i just looked at all of them too much
its ok tho but some people really annoying ofc there's some real cheaters that trying to get unbanned after cheating im not one of them its just the support doesnt reply to any of my tickets
Hmm no red screen bc it's still in agent select but what's weird was it gave a temp ban and if other accs are affected it's bc of logs
it could unlunch the game its still in the loading screen it can say "player quit game mid agent select" or something like that happened many times
It’s all good, it’s just annoying to hear “u surely “ cheater when I know damn well she didn’t , she wasn’t only streaming it and at that time she barely played cause she was sick, she came to fill for a place to fill in premier , and happened mid game :/
Is the one getting banned , should be getting red screen or just the error?
its really weird all of these bans..
i think u get the red screen too and then the message
but idk what i saw in her stream happened to me the same way
She didn’t get any red screen
Just message
Just val 5
no red screen just message and kicked out
ik i watched her stream
its weird
And then we were qd with her too in party, how come we are not banned too for qing with a “cheater” and our premier team is still able to play
And she is still@in it lol
shes hardware banned?
like for sure?
She tried to log in another account and got error yep
idk what to say atp
i have no clue what cause this i dont know how am i here as well
Yep lol
i tried contacting them through my smurf acc claiming that im the owner and giving them the full information
Vanguard for you
hoping for good
She did the same too today
And just got a reply
Form a bot
yea same
Saying wait 3-4 days and same shit
its automate
hope its "legal" according to riot
and that they would be able to solve this through my smurf
cuz obv they are fully ignoring my main
I tried this for her
yea but u said ur her friend no? not the owner
I get nice devs replying to me but they say “ we won’t be able to help sadly since it’s not ur account “
But I think they won’t surely know that you are the owner
so i told them i do the owner if its not working ill try something else
They need proof and stuff which they prob won’t make on a diff account, but the least we can do is at least help or tell what u can do
i gave them my email my phone number which is verified my Riot ID and login ID
Oh damn
I see
and told them to check with me on the email i gave them to make sure its me
Lets see
for good
ill update whats the answer
they wont tell u what is ur options... they just really dont care
someone on Valorant IL told me to open ticket under "in game questions" and try it there so the bot wont close the ticket and it worked for him
Okay makes sense that I can still ask for vp on a banned account

its more important for them i see 😂
i mean i asked for 20 vp now, ill see if they reply and if so i ask abt ban i guess
Red screen shows cheater detected and cheater gets val 5 bc as I mentioned val 5 error pops when cheater was found during a game
@marie are you using a 2nd hand PC that u just got recently?
Or have u upgraded any parts which are "used"?
i dont get it why is this a thing
its so stupid like fr
Bc of hwid ban, so some people had their hardware banned then sell it off bc they want to play valorant again by getting a new one
as someone who has a bit of background in developing and shit im really tryna think how vanguard's work
So some innocent people may be interested of the hardware this cheater had sold
And bought it and caught themselves with the ban even tho they innocent
sold the part of the pc the hwid ban lay on?
For example my PC receives a hwid ban then I sell it off to Marie then she logs on her account on it then her account will def get hit
So it could be the motherboard, CPU, SSD card or the RAM
Not really sure which part of ur PC vanguard takes
thats smart and stupid system at the same time

i used my pc since 2022 and i never changed anything abt it
okay wtf

make it make sense, they can still send VP to a perm banned account, yeah nice lol
idk but to me it makes no sense that they have access to an account which got banned and still able to add vp
they can still access the account tho the access is locked for u not for them the account still exist its not like deleted yk
thing is
if they knew its banned or account is flagged, why would even send VP
for a "cheater"
like her tickets we gettting auto banned cause her account is flagged as banned so idk
after this i doubt my account is flagged as banned
why else would they mindlessly send me vp
I seriously doubt they were checking the ban status
Most likely they simply ran a function to check the vp count of the account and then another one to add vp
Different departments
They don’t need to read your life story to add vp if you get me
idk i just asked them since i was still able to reply why i can recieve the vp and if they could help me with an issue
Of course you can still receive or deduct vp, the account doesn’t get removed in case the ban is false
They also need to have the option to perform chargebacks for hacked accounts that got banned for example
i did not play on this account once ond got banned

it said perma suspension when client opened first
bc of third party
neve played on it btw lol, riot for u
If you try to sign in to other accounts while hwid banned they immediately become banned and your hwid ban goes from being 4 months to permanent if you’re unlucky
It’s just not a good idea in general to try and play on other accounts lol
maybe it doesnt show for them specifically idk how it looks for them or what info the system gives them
maybe the info splited through different departments its the only thing making sense to me
yea probably
luckly its not my case at least
Yeah it’s only for hwid bans and not for normal perma bans
Since they decided not to punish people using the same ip to make accounts they pretty much just let you ban evade for free
Your account is never delete from there servers
Unless you click delete account and wait the time out
30 days
I didn't read that lol
I was agreeing with you bro
am confused
so do they get auto ban?
or no
if yes what
i am so confused
Ahhh okaayy
so basicly she isnt perma hwid
she just made a new account
No, that would be stupid :D
i mean i tried to talk to the support but only bot interaction
Yeaah idk she sent a ticket to ask them
cant even ask them to look over my lovs
i mean how can she know then what banned
but at least scan my logs and say ure pc is good?
@marie Just uninstall and reinstall windows
i tried to donthat but they take it as ban appeal and dont even consider
what even if i got a virus idk
im nit sure what caused the other ban
yeah its so odd her other account got banned even tho she didnt play on it at all, she tried to launch from therre it said account banned

she logged in on a new account
to see if she can launch
she didnt even luanch the game
cause she got that message
@marie Have you been watching some Youtube videos to fix errors
wrong picture wait

this is what i wanted to send
on her other account
i didnt but i managed to launch the game and got val 152 error
What's this then :Susge:
did not get banned again when trying to launch new account
sorry i confused u
so she tried to logg in
this is on the account i logged in after i got perma banned on my main
she tried to launch
to see if she can play
they didnt even let her
this: she made a new fresh account today
i mean am hwid banned
she just had issues in properties idek she fixed it
a big fix or whatever
the new account did not get banned, yes, but i couldnt launch because hwid ban
long story short:
- she had an old unused account , logged in to it to see if she can launch, she got that perma ban message even tho she didnt play on it after getting banned on her main.
- then she made a new account today to check of she can launch it (just to double check ) , she got like error of compatiblity or whatever
after it she fixed that compatibility bug, she launched it and she got an error of van 152 somthing like that
so many edits smh

i told him to edit because he mixed up some things
lool i mixed up i worded it wrong
i wonder of riot or vanguard in general is aware of this issue , like ik its not very common but its annoying. Idk if its hard to fix it too, idk much about how these stuff work
There is no doubt that it is a hwid ban, but the old account could get banned just for that cuz i heard riot ban accounts that ur not using so.. if it wasnt that it could be this one
idk neither. im literally trying to think how this system works tho, what is for sure is that it scans really deep on ur pc well after i got the ban i did research and found out there's many with the same issues but different situations such as: old unused accounts, falsely banned account, false detections, apps & pc parts issues etc. i even found the same day about 3-4 posts in community help just about that idk its weird
ik there is some real cheaters but idk i cant judge them idk what cause it to each one
i used the account in november last year and once in january and i still got third party ban on that but not on my alt that i use all the time
but ur not able to play right?
On what account?
I mean I am hardware banned anyway
But my alt is not banned
well i think its not actually perma ban u it just locking ur access from the account on the device that hwid banned
dude ahmad just looked at the account i newly created today and its perma suspended
i never played on it
😭 tf is going on
she never got to play on it at all, and got banned for 3rd party

i fing believe i got a virus or whatever
like i even deinstalled val
or did that just happen cuz i am hwid banned?
skill issue
am sorry looks like ur having a bad day
please just input thats topic related or helping idk everything else is #general
seems like u are describing urself lol
aw stop projecting cutie
both stop
seems like its the only way for u to have fun
so first creating accounts on top of ban is ban evading which is against the tos
it can get all ur newly created account banned
i literally wanted to find out if hwid banned lol
u already are
didn't u get van 152
but how the f am i supposed to know if i never got the van 152 error when my main got banned
i only had val 5
if u got banned for 3rd party programs
and someone here in that thread did surprisingly not get hwid banned
then most likely u will also get hwid ban
him is him
u are u
sure but still how am i supposed to know if not find out
val support is giving me 0 info
I remember u tried to login an account
not even helping at all
that says u cant
on riot client
didn't it
i literally got perma banned and i was able to launch the newly created account on my pc and then after it said van 152
hours later it said i got perma suspention
so yeah u did get it
on riot client it doiesnt say anything, just the perma ban, if there is nop perma ban or any kind i can launch and after it will stop and say van 152
and making further accounts just pointless
yes its literally the point of ther hwid ban
yes i did, but i am talking about how the stupid account got banned hours after i tried to launch
may even get ur main to permanent ban if it originally wasnt
whatever account u try to log into valorant gets banned immediantly
bro, my main is already perma banned i said that a thousand times
u are trying to play on a machine that got an account banned for 3rd party apps
the algorithm got u
and banned u
i am 100 % sure false ban because no cheat on my pc to be found
but for vanguard
and because of 1 false ban i had the hwid ban and ofc with the hwid ban i get other accounts locked too
i didnt and i got perma for that exactly even tho idk how tf
then stop trying, just wasting more time on it
why would i stop trying when i believe in my innocence
idk what u wrote on ur tickets
there is nothing that could be called pointless
i fight for my rights
why did every of them was blocked and closed by bot
i wrote a whole fucking essay that gets an immediate bot reply, explaining everything
well not every is like that
because my first ever ticket got closed by a bot, i never had an agent talk to me so they see my first ticket and say okay matters closed when nobody talked to me but the bot
if u got it like that, prob becuz the anticheat algorithm pretty sure u cheated
pretty sure isnt always right wtf
theer is always flaws bruh
do u even know what's on ur pc
i feel like im talking to a wall because everything i say here i or ahmad alrdy said at one point
is there ever
imagine if it was u? dont just force someone and say u are cheating when they didnt
something there shouldn't be
thing is
i played this game since 2022 and never did such a thing happen to me, i didnt change pc parts or downloaded anything lately besides my stupid headset engine
there could be somethinh like a virus or anything causing it but she cant know cause how is she suppsoed to?
no one replies to her
and u tried to ban evade
which made it even worse
to something unrecoverable
i actually thought abt that lmaoooo
yeah that's a way u can send them laws letter
i swear at this point maybe
same xDD
i would, they can check fucking everything
my pc my career tracker whatever
but u cant do so since you agreed to TOS
look at the stupid vanguard logs and see what got me banned maybe
the vanguard logs are encrypted
they have to have something to check tho
win the account back or real money?
only riot can read
yes and thats why the support needs to come back to one and just reply
so she can buy her stuff back? 😂
ngl i would like to sue such a company
if i would win the case tho, why would the account still be locked
I mean if u kept getting bot replies
think about how easier it could be if a human agent replies to her and treats her ticket instead of a bot lol
the most sane thing is to create another account
and contact support
u go to court just to be answered by their bot even there 😂
i get bot replies because of my first ticket
don't login or whatever
probably :val_KekwSob:
it's not becuz of ur first ticket anyway
it doesn't work like that
she did, and the bot tells her that it got treated already by riot ( her 1st ticket) , but no on actually did or tlaked to her
see how dumb this is
it is, they always say 'matter got talked abt in ticket id... (my first ticket) we thoroughly inbvestigated this and see this matter closed'
always the same reply
even the bot says " a human agent will comeback to you in 3-4 days" but no one does
like he always do duhh🙄
they dont pay enough to blitz
to work harder
if it did say that
why u guys keep spamming tickets
closed the same
do u not understand the whole point
stupid blitz
do u not have some patience
bot closes it with no one rreplying back
its just annoyinh
if they are here so far i bet they does lmao
its been a hell week
how if the ticket gets closed
clearly said a human agent will be back in 4 days
then wait
just wait lol
don't make things worse
that's what u should do
i waited 7 days, no reply and ticket got closed after a day anyway
no bro? cause its been a week and no one came.. and AGAIN it got clsoed already so it gets ticked as " treated" to riot devs
then back to the question, have ur account or pc ever been compromised
i am not sure cuz i never had 2fa and i had same password everywhere
ocasionally i see on my email someone logged into my insta from god knows where
i turned the 2fa on on my main tho and logged everyone out of it
do u share same password
on different platforms
i just said i use same password everywhere
and are they connected
she literally said she does
i have my riot linked to all kinds of platforms
yeah so
its bad enough using same password for multiple things
ur account is kinda compromised
but no fucking way you kept it after seeing someone use your accounts
mhhh, soooooo idk
i mean nothing ever happened, like nothing major
do they share same email
or just passwords
and i did type in a ticket where i talked to an actual human agent that i have that password issue and not sure if i got compromised
most do yes
i have multiple emails but most of them have same password
the one which i might got compromised with
ahmad just asked if my email is 2fa..... not even my email
if you're that bad at memorizing passwords, get a new one that is secure so at least 8 characters consisting of at least 1 capital and 1 non capital letter, 1 number and 1 special character
then make that your 1password sign in
and have long string passwords saved in there
somebody smack her for me pls...
i mean its bad enough my password everywhere used to be my ful name and shit like that
not even her main email is 2fa d
persoanlly i have 2 diff emails and 2 diff passwords, 1 gaming password and 1 socials password
but both 2FA d
should do that yeee
what did he reply
i should activate 2fa and different password on every app or change it up a little
nothing yet, i told them that around 5-6 hours ago

these are just the ones google lets me keep saved
i cant even memorize my phone number literally
ah y eah i see
that's a good start and an actual one
and have u changed ur passwords yet
they're already compromised
i did not change the password- YET
you shouldn't need games to remember your god damn phone number 😭
do you forget your family's birthdays too?
naaaaaaaaaaaah bro wtf xd
bro.... i just found out marie dont even have her paypal 2FA ... help
meh paypal doesn't matter too much surprisingly
they are very good at forcing chargebacks
naaah it doess
ik alot of people that got scammmmed and lost big money
it really doesn't, you could spend 10k on some random dudes account and they just give the money back
same thing with amazon
I know people in like 60k debt on amazon only
they would not if money were sent as " friends"
when the ticket system acts like that then it means ur account was really used to cheat
from my experience here
most of them can appeal
and didnt get bot replies
you talk to your bank and they get you the chargeback
i mean i did scammed once
and lost 60
i tried charge back they said
i couldnt
well france is france
yep cause i sent them the money as "friends"
you guys have military on rollerskates
maybe its time to listen to the national song again
first time on my main where i got an actual human

even trying to help
my bad, this is not on my main but the new account i created LOL
so i have hope?
i am sure they reply to my ticket on my new account, i told them i never touched the game and got perma suspended, i did not play on it once so i guess that account is fine
what does it has to do with her case and urs
just tell them u don't have 2fa and ur accounts were compromised
that they are actually replying
and u didn't know theyre
yeyeee i did on my main account, im waiting for a reply
ask them if someone really did login to ur account
they will ask for proofs if u are actually the account owner
mhh i will forsure try to ask them if my current ticket gets closed
if u didn't do shit then there always is
after realizing how stupid my password situation was its kinda scary ngl
i didnt do anything and they still doesnt reply
just the bot
yea its not good and im telling as a person who almost all my passwords are the same lol
and i have long history with hackers always getting hacked somehow lmao
💀 issue
Took u sooo long to realise :kzNekogun:
better realise later than never
wtf is that suppose to be

u typed some symbols
did i
this is a thread to get community help not to get subscribers lmaoo
U can’t post links I believe
Yo, why did no one contact me about this
You were
It’s been going on for days
wait wassup
about what
The message was deleted
The Person self advertising in the chat
ah okaay
jesus is thought they were only on instagram and twitter

and in general, whoever sends u those typa messages, like thats fir everyone with an issue like mine, never fall for that
they cannot undo ur ban
everyone keep urself safe :Spray_Heart:
loool for real
scammers everywhere
I mean you can “undo” hwid bans if you know what you are doing but you are throwing away any chance for an unban
And if you mess up it’s right back to square zero
yes thats the thing
thats a literal scammer
they can use that thing called spoofing or whatever but its a temporary thing, and its not legal
if i do anything with my account that dies not come from the support, thats basically cheating no?
i saw alot of people talking about it
on reddit
You don’t have to spoof it, you can change the addresses completely
there is no point to do it at all
but u can easily get caught no?
But as we don’t know everything they check for we can only guess what stuff needs to be changed
well i think
If you miss even a single parameter ye
But if you don’t you’re free to go
and i am not throwing away my chances, i do not want to get scammed and with someone fishing my account go lose it forever when i damn well know i got falsely banned and the support should help
yeah ieither way its risky
and yep ^^
Don’t think there is anything fishable about a perma banned account tbh
But ye I get what you mean xd
Hwid bypasses are more for cheaters who have gotten banned twice already
i suppose u need to give them your data fir that stuff no? and i assume they dont do it fir free either
i mean u can wipe ur hardware clean and set up everything again or just buy a new hardware in general
It's pretty easy to do yourself
if u got the right knowledge for sure
but anyway i stay true to myself and never touch third parties to cheat or bypass banns or whatever
no pint in that idk
yeaaah ^ no need to risk anything at all
nit just to risk, its just not necessary
You gotta wipe the addresses on the actual hardware
And that’s a lot more work
yeee thats what i meant basically
It also checks for MAC addresses and the like
but still doable
It’s so much stuff that has to be changed that it’s easy to mess up
no point to loop ur way out of the ban illegaly yeaah when u know urslef u ddint use any illegal 3rd party soft to get banned in fisrt
There are executables that do it though
It depends on the hardware you have
The best way I have seen it done is a bios change
Most cheaters use the exact same manufacturer
So they all just use custom bios that have unlocked functionality that allow you to change core functionality and core signatures
Basically allowing them to change the hardware ID pretty easily
do people acyually get away with it when they turn the ban themselves?
idk its something i wouldnt do ngl , even if its accurate
but meh idk, prob u will need to pay loads money for it
i mean thats just for the hwid ban and if they get caught again they just change the ip again and again ig?
and for the account ban the regular spoof (?) avery niw and then
idk actually
You get away with it most of the time since you tend to get banned again rather fast due to cheats
Even if you miss something small it may take a while to get banned
ah yeaah i see
If you do it perfectly then there is no issues
yeeaa thought soo
thats so stupid
Tbh you shouldn’t do it unless it’s your 2nd hwid
so all these bot comments u get on twitter of u type u got banned are real?
lool these guys come out alot
when anyone type i got banned
people that actually cheat get away with it, but false positives r a pain in the ass
Well most cheaters don’t actually know how to bypass hwid restrictions
Most are just idiots who go to the first result on google for skinchanger or some bs
frrr like knowing that u got false banned , woudlnt want to unban myself using other methods when ik i was innocent and try solve it, to ssee what actually caused it to maybe deleted whatever caused it
no i doubt i gotta delete anything, but false triggers idk can be my headset engine can be something else and i should not need to delete that
yeah i meant like
just because anything on my pc pulled data from riot or something
make u remove that headset engine, i mean either way u got a new headset coming soon
without the engine my sounds not the same i promise u
Wouldn’t be the first time, things like Steelseries are known to cause false flags
but with the new headset u will get a new app for it no?
Typically you just can’t start the game tho so no chance of bans
but either way with this headset or a diff one, engine is engine fir any headset shouldn’t delete bc if false trigger
yeaah ikik
its false triggers if it was the case yeah
wdym cant start game in what case?
The game won’t let you start if you have something conflicting with vanguard usually
mhhh, but still i got the ban mid game
Normal with like antiviruses or software for your hardware
thats the thing
she got it mid game
if vanguard detected it it wouldnt let her to play in first
Could be something that was injected in the middle of the game
Or it could be a delayed ban, normal to throw off cheatmakers
no way to know without riot logs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
mhhh, i mean id does happen that u get the cheater detected jn a game when u report
i swear but they trust vanguard so much they dont wanna look into it
I mean I’d trust it too, it is very good at finding cheats
welp she did send her logs for them to look into but never did
They just sacrificed convenience for security
they even ask for it in riot support page
but general question tho, in the game in which i git banned, we all reported the enemy jett for cheating - would a report make vanguard scan all the players in the match or just the one player that got reported?
Well we don’t know
Only the person reported
welp okay but idk so possibility is that i got reported - wouldnt make sense tho, who would report a 4/12/1 cypher
There is also periodic scans that happen time to time
i was playing the same day earlier tho and nothing happened
Bans are not instant
They use banwaves typically since it’s proven more effective against cheats
It’s hard to say if it’s better since it technically throws off cheatmakers, but it also ruins more games for the players
so even if i got detected earlier i can get banned a little later than the detection yime? even with false triggers?
For new signatures, Yeah
Yeah of course
Since vanguard doesn’t think it’s false
It runs on a confidence meter. if the confidence is high enough it will automatically ban you
what the hell
high enough doesn’t mean 100% sure for me
The only 100% are signature matches
Basically known cheats
No one actually knows the number
so if i actually got compromised because no 2fa same password everywhere, someone with cheats could have logged in, done something, git detected and once inplayed my prem match i git the delayed ban
It could be fifty it could be a hundred it could be ninety five
i mean this is spossible?
50 would be insane
You would get unbanned pretty fast since it’s pretty obvious it was a different pc
Riots pretty good at locking accounts
If a new user is detected
Even with the correct information
yea but my first ever ticket the bit replied and i got unlucky and all my other tickets always come back to ticket number ine saying matter is solved bc the ticket git closed by the bit
new user in what sense? just anither device playing or new account?
Again we don't know the specifics but it can be assumed that they use ip, account logging, and hardware ids to recognize new logins
Account logging means all of the accounts that have been logged in on your machine
If you’re sure you won’t get the account back you could do a little bit of malice
Maybe perform chargebacks, not that you heard it from me
i am sure i am innocent, but what is that?
oh wait
get my money back u mean?
Calling your bank and having them initiate a payback from riot
Riot will typically ban you for doing it but if you’re already banned then I mean…
Could always just wait out the 4 months if you really want to play the game that bad
i mean sure am annoyed i paid a lot but still i believe i will get the account back since i did not cheat lol
and i have another device i could play on anyway for now
Ban evasion go hard 😎
but if not for the support always hitting me with the same copy paste reply i would probably have my account back now
its nit even the bots at this point, all human devs on all my accounts give me the EXACT same reply i swear
yep i swear
Well in support we typically have a silence sender option and an option to put tickets in pending to close for like a week
You probably get one of those the second they see it and then blitz the homeboy answers
the only it was was that first ticket ccreated that got closed, they always use as a reference that it got treated when it didnt at all
its just dumb
She dm me as well
bots and scammers hitting up on us more than we hit headshots at this point
Whahsgs looool