Configure Cloudflare domain to point to a Pages project

Hi, I just bought a domain name on Cloudflare and went through the guided setup to point it to a newly creates Pages project. Yet, when I use that domain to go there, it doesn't work and I cannot figure out any error at all. The domain is : The Pages project is currently at: All I did was follow the wizard in the Portal i.e. click on "Add Pages Site" from within the registered domain's config page (See screenshot) I can see I have no DNS records at all (No A/AAA or CNAMEs). So, why didn't the wizard create them for me and what should it be?
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10 Replies
David Brossard
David BrossardOP13mo ago
I've added CNAMEs (but I would have thought the wizard would have done that for me) and now I'm getting HTTP 522...
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
Did you add them as custom domains to the Pages project?
David Brossard
David BrossardOP13mo ago
Yes and no... I went through the wizard but it didn't work for me. First off, it doesn't see that my domain was bought on cloudflare (or at least the wording seems to say as much)
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David Brossard
David BrossardOP13mo ago
When I "play dumb" and try to "begin DNS transger" I rightfully get
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David Brossard
David BrossardOP13mo ago
I'm starting to think there might be some misconfiguration somewhere. OK, not sure what happened but at some point Cloudflare figured out my domain was on Cloudflare and it picked up the changes. However www. still doesn't work - I still get HTTP 522 Although I do have a CNAME for it
Cyb3r-Jak313mo ago
You have an extra e here 522 is expected if you manually do a CNAME without it being added as a custom domain. See the note:
David Brossard
David BrossardOP13mo ago
I see, thanks. Last question: I was able to get to work but not (That's actually true on another Pages site I have with a different domain). Isn't a CNAME for www enough? Hmmm I think I get it - it's the same reason: I can't do it via the DNS set up directly. I need to go via custom domain.
Chaika13mo ago
yea the custom domains page is kind of an allowlist for host headers, need to add each hostname there first
Chaika13mo ago
you'll get punished for duplicate content though by search engines, setting up a redirect is recommended instead:
Cloudflare Docs
Redirecting www to domain apex · Cloudflare Pages docs
In this guide, you will learn how to redirect the www subdomain to your apex domain ( This is a common question and can be achieved by …
David Brossard
David BrossardOP13mo ago
Oh thanks

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