24 Replies
#Vulx allowed?
Have fun with the ban
and you are still bronze (:
thats not me lmao
Its a software named "Vulx". That changes someone's lvl / rank. But its client side only
but i dont have it
Why did you cover the name then?
the github says its server sided?

i didnt wanna show the persons name

i have the same name as i do
Do you know cs (computer programing)
It's beaucse there using node . js (a server)
for hosting local network websites
which vulx is built off of

Its allows them to have it work for your network ONLY. That's not what server side means
so its like a skin changer, only visible for urself?
But it allows more then skin changing
It's also bannable

12-14 days which it the biggest lie ever
wont it get you perm banned?
there no temp cheating ban lol
its just customizing profil??
still make you ban