Hi there
Can anyone help me with emails not receiving. We disabled email routing, we can send email but we are not receiving. #email-routing
11 Replies
Have you re-added your old MX records?
Where shoud I adde MX records? Sorry, I am a beginner in setting all this DNS
Who hosted your email before?
globe hosting
They should provide you some MX records to add
Ok. Thanks. Then I shoud open a ticket with them to solve this?
Maybe check their dashboard first? It should be pretty visible. Otherwise then yeah, file a ticket with them
There is only this MX records in DNS editor zone

DNS over Discord: NS records
lattafa.de NS @ +noall +answer +short
diggy diggy hole
Try adding it back, then unproxying the A records for lattafa.de
On Cloudflare
It worked ..thanks