9 Replies
Hey so I can’t buy anything or open my shop
As it says try again later :p
Also always good to start with restarting pc
I have it’s been a whole week
I keep trying ever day
If problem remains, id givve it a bit of time if still nothing re-isntall game is something you can do
If not working after re installing then I think you really do need to contact support, I recently just got back to val don't know how that process goes
Oh okie
But re installing is worth a shot, also maybe check if the problem is on other accounts too that wayy you can narrow the problem down to your pc/game if it works on other acc then the problem is on your acc
This is just my thoughts on it, not an expert!
I can’t find it online I tryed
And on the error code on Val website still nothing
Alright, well you decide but I would re install game atleast if the error occurs on the ingame client
Okei I’ll try that now