Valorant got crashed
Hello I aas playing Valorant but idk for some reason my gane got closed automatically..and when I reopen it says
Serialisation Error
Any solution plss !!
18 Replies
First, try and reinstall
Second, Clear local temp files
Heres the pic

Also, please do not clear the @Answer Overflow message I followed this every method
Tech Analytic 360
How to Fix Valorant Serialization Error: Action Needed | Valorant C...
Facing a Valorant serialization error? Getting "Valorant serialization error: action needed and Valorant corrupt data found" error? No worries, I've come up with a solution video on how to fix the Valorant corrupt data found. So watch the video guide to discover the right method to solve the serialization error action needed in Valorant.
You ma...
My bad sorry haha
So, you have reinstalled the game?
as everything it said
The last method
It said to reinstall Riot Vanguard and ckean the temp files
I did..
Riot Vanguard is not the game
So I need to uninstall total Valo
Did you uninstall valorant?
Hmm I will try now
It worked
thanks for the help mate
btw any preference to crosshair for beginner ?
am new so not much idea
Crosshairs are kind of personal preference
aah np then
thanks for info
There are websites with ones already made