Where to find a higher quality version of this jacket?
So I saw this jacket (https://www.tiktok.com/@joshhands/video/7326613922063207712?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7333364737009255968) and I really like it, but I try to avoid buying from fast fashion brands and I pretty much only wear black. So, does anyone know where I can find a higher quality and black version of this jacket for around 200-300 euros? I am currently in Vienna, but I leave on the 12th back home which is in South Africa.

7 Replies
https://www.tiktok.com/@romeitalytravel/video/7330302669464145185?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7333364737009255968 I also really like this guys jacket
Margaret Howell? Maybe Lemaire
COS or Reiss for cheaper
Uniqlo blouson for when cheaper
thats pretty much a harrington jacket but with open pockets
you're in europe so these probably aren't options but theres a few at divisionroad on sale a bit above the upper limit you gave
Checkout the WHYAT store in Vienna, they'd probably have something like this in stock, for example

Could try 2nd hand too, this vintage shop looks like it could be cool (and there's a second location a few blocks north by the looks of it as well)
HUMANA Vintage & Secondhand
HUMANA Vintage & Secondhand · Landstraßer Hauptstraße 21, 1030 Wien, Austria
HUMANA Vintage & Secondhand · Landstraßer Hauptstraße 21, 1030 Wien...
★★★★☆ · Used clothing store
Those are good tips 👆. Other stores you can try in vienna that might have something like this are:
- No. 5: https://nfive.at/index.php
- RAG shop: https://www.rag-shop.com/
- Stil-laden: https://stil-laden.com
- Steffl: https://www.steffl-vienna.at
- Dantendorfer: https://www.dantendorfer.at/
Oh and Arnold's: https://arnoldsvienna.com/