mfad14mo ago
Martin 🦛

Where to find a higher quality version of this jacket?

So I saw this jacket (https://www.tiktok.com/@joshhands/video/7326613922063207712?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7333364737009255968) and I really like it, but I try to avoid buying from fast fashion brands and I pretty much only wear black. So, does anyone know where I can find a higher quality and black version of this jacket for around 200-300 euros? I am currently in Vienna, but I leave on the 12th back home which is in South Africa.
TikTok · Josh Hands
67 likes, 4 comments. “Grandad vibes”
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7 Replies
Martin 🦛
Martin 🦛OP14mo ago
TikTok · Romeitalytravel
1.1M likes, 7764 comments. “What do you think we are missing?👀🇮🇹”
Nayyyyy14mo ago
Margaret Howell? Maybe Lemaire COS or Reiss for cheaper Uniqlo blouson for when cheaper
shuvi14mo ago
thats pretty much a harrington jacket but with open pockets you're in europe so these probably aren't options but theres a few at divisionroad on sale a bit above the upper limit you gave
tun🌻14mo ago
Checkout the WHYAT store in Vienna, they'd probably have something like this in stock, for example
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tun🌻14mo ago
Could try 2nd hand too, this vintage shop looks like it could be cool (and there's a second location a few blocks north by the looks of it as well) HUMANA Vintage & Secondhand https://maps.app.goo.gl/Nip6ARb6JJhkDqxr5
HUMANA Vintage & Secondhand · Landstraßer Hauptstraße 21, 1030 Wien, Austria
HUMANA Vintage & Secondhand · Landstraßer Hauptstraße 21, 1030 Wien...
★★★★☆ · Used clothing store
stmn14mo ago
Those are good tips 👆. Other stores you can try in vienna that might have something like this are: - No. 5: https://nfive.at/index.php - RAG shop: https://www.rag-shop.com/ - Stil-laden: https://stil-laden.com - Steffl: https://www.steffl-vienna.at - Dantendorfer: https://www.dantendorfer.at/ Oh and Arnold's: https://arnoldsvienna.com/

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