Is there an outage with the D1 API right

Is there an outage with the D1 API right now? The databases work when queried, but can't access them on the dash and errors when trying to apply a migration.
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2 Replies
yeehowOP13mo ago
Wrangler migration errror:
$ pnpm wrangler d1 migrations apply DB
Migrations to be applied:
│ name │
│ 0001_smart_slapstick.sql │
✔ About to apply 1 migration(s)
Your database may not be available to serve requests during the migration, continue? … yes

✘ [ERROR] A request to the Cloudflare API (/accounts/53b0f0b6a2f098df4d15b72741f23ba1/d1/database/ee931da7-89af-4c66-9b49-c53c6012a501) failed.

Internal error: D1 API returned: (400 Bad Request) {"success":false,"errors":["Code:
invalid_enum_value ~ Path: action ~ Message: Invalid enum value. Expected 'query' | 'execute' |
'_tracing', received 'metadata'"]} [code: 7501]

If you think this is a bug, please open an issue at:
$ pnpm wrangler d1 migrations apply DB
Migrations to be applied:
│ name │
│ 0001_smart_slapstick.sql │
✔ About to apply 1 migration(s)
Your database may not be available to serve requests during the migration, continue? … yes

✘ [ERROR] A request to the Cloudflare API (/accounts/53b0f0b6a2f098df4d15b72741f23ba1/d1/database/ee931da7-89af-4c66-9b49-c53c6012a501) failed.

Internal error: D1 API returned: (400 Bad Request) {"success":false,"errors":["Code:
invalid_enum_value ~ Path: action ~ Message: Invalid enum value. Expected 'query' | 'execute' |
'_tracing', received 'metadata'"]} [code: 7501]

If you think this is a bug, please open an issue at:
requiem13mo ago
Experiencing this issue as well Running npx wrangler d1 info <database-name> also produces that error message

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