Computer Crashes
whenever i launch valorant, my entire computer shuts off. i haven’t seen anyone else have this problem so i am assuming this is just my computer being awful. does anyone know/experienced this problem?
122 Replies
As soon as you launch valorant?
what error code
there is no error code, my computer literally crashes and turns off the moment i open val
So you’re not getting a Windows blue screen?
there will always be an error code on bsods
there isn’t a blue screen or an error code, it just shuts off
Is this a PSU issue? Your graphics card might be drawing more power than the PSU can produce causing your PC to shut off?
im not sure
Can you try running your PC under load using a benchmark software? We can see if it is a hardware issue if your computer shuts off under load
im trying to get a new pc soon so
if i don’t find a new pc i will try to do that
Also, you can use a program named "WhoCrashed"
For crash logs
Is this built-in?
ty for your guys help
i am also crashing
fk man my game is crashing and i got a 30 minutes ban
such a great game i didn't exit the match but still i got ban
i keep getting this

fix your stupid game
even though my vanguard is on
disable the fklin vanguard
@Mix (They/Them) ayo my game is crashing and my brain is getting out of conttrol fix your fkin game
i got a 30 minutes ban because of you @Mix (They/Them)
yea i managed to get on valorant after my computer shutting off three times and then i got that screen
Show me your system tray

joning a tdm to see if i crasgh
if it just shut off itself, it can be ur psu, mobo, or overheating issue
disable fastboot
the support is really stupid valorant is such a big game but the support is still trash just like ronaldo
the admins are pidofiles
u just have skill issues
fk valorant
guess u are those mentally ill people
warzone is running like a butter re4 is running like a butter and this fkin valorant is crashing
Ok, and
i got a 30 minutes ban for this fkin issue
Open cmd as admin
sc query vgk
if this doesn't stop i will get 24 hrs ban
Then check why your crashing?
graphics driver issue
Then ddu it
And how do you know that?
Did you read the crash logs?
while my game was crashing it shows "make sure your drivers are up to date"

Its not the game...
this only happens when i play valo
i did DDU
What gpu do you have
my drivers are working properly and up to date
rtx 3060ti
There not, because its crashing

What about it?

up to date
and working properly
why did you say wait?
you said they are not thats why
so what to do
You talk smart, but this shows how much of that is confidence
This doesnt mean. Your drivers are working
so what to do
should i buy a new graphics card
First, try using your igpu
specificaly for valo?
Yes, Do you know how too?
this thing doesn't report its components health
Open game mode, Click graphics

unless there's something critical, else it will always report working properly
find valorant in the list

Set it to the igpu aka the 730

Save, close valorant, and reopen

Dont go into a game
Theres no point
Make sure your fps is lower then normal
getting 600 fps
in the charecter selection
Shooting range?
should i try going to shooting range?
i dont know what the f is happening i cant able to enter the sppting range
Without crashing?
Also, uninstall all of your drivers
stucked after everyone selected the agents
for 3 minutes
i did that 2 times
Don't reinstall them
Just run valorant, and keep using the igpu
What I do?
your game
What?!??! 😭
wait how are you in the discord admins server?
Just like how most do
I see
You're an admin???
Of course! 😂
wait, that makes sense
What makes sense
Being an admin
and me :D
I hope that's a good thing :laughsmile:
what do i do after this

sc query vgc
yah i did that and the ss is what popped up
vgc, vgk
different things
will do after ow2
VGK: Vanguard Kernal, VGC: Vanguard Client

sorry, im going to bed
If someone else, can take over
u need to run the game first
else it won't be running
vgc only runs when the game is running
(btw I wanted to make sure it wasnt changed by the Indiain tech support :D)
what's his problem tho
(way to many youtube videos with bad advise)
ok gn
i think i am just having the same issue similar to others, was gonna queue into a swift play but then my game crashed with a popup saying i dont have vanguard on, then i tried opening the game again and it crashed my whole computer
have u tried reinstalling vanguard?
ur problem isn't same as op
not similar at all
uhh his computer crashes when he launches valorant which is why i also mentioned mine
but lemme try the cmd thing again

@용재 disable fastboot and reinstall vanguard