Is there a way a RIOT dev can help me recover my friends account? He got banned for no reason.
My friend has spent well over 2-3k on the game and just recently got banned for no reason while playing a comp match. I would greatly appreciate feedback. This kid is clearly not a cheater, just want to be informed on what the ban was about.
38 Replies
most of the time they will just tell you it was because of a third party program not always for cheating, the only way for him to recover his account is by opening a ticket within ;support
Riot doesn't tell why. Only if it was confirmed to be correct. If you friend was banned in the middle of a comp game and you got the red vanguard screen. Your friend was cheating. Sorry to say :D
why isnt it
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
I have known this kid for the past 12 years of my life, he is not a cheater. I know this kid very well and he has hours while being hardstuck ascendant.
He contacted them and they said that he can make a new account and play. Which him and everyone else finds unfair.
We were all diehard RIOT fanboys, but ig that's gonna end... more frustrated than anything.
wait make a new account???
If he was hacking they wouldn’t tell him to make a new acc and play
If he was using a third party service they wouldn’t tell him to make a new account and continue playing
If he wasn’t hacking or violating TOS they’d unban him
He's hwid banned; they can't make a new account
that is what im frustrated about
Well obvi he’s lying to you
hes not hardware banned at all
no hes not
Wait, he's not cheating banned then
If they false banned him they’d unban him
nvm hes hardware banned
even tho they told him to make a new account and play
Meaning he was hacking
the only 3rd party this kid said he used was valorant tracker
Obvi he’s lying to you 😭😭
hes not lying. stop tryna gaslight me
this kid is shit
?? They don’t false hwid ban someone without unbanning
@Joshhh What is the ban reason?
aka the message displayed when they try to login the banned account
third party website
could shit like valorant tracker get him banned
And wdym third party website?
Can you have him ss the ban msg
And you send it here
or third party app
same thing myb

but like this kids only downloaded blitz a longgg time ago and valorant tracker
yep my friend also got banned 2 days ago in the middle of an unrated icebox game, just like you said, theres no way my friend would have cheated. riot literally answered his ticket and just said "yeah you cheated boo hoo" like bro the hell?!? bro had youtube music on, was in discord vc, had his math homework on google chrome thats it. this is so bs
So many friends being banned today
womp womp
shits crazy. why would my friend risk a 3k account and thousands of hours to cheat? like shit is plain stupid. if he wanted to he could spend another 500-1k for the rank he wanted to boosters.
riot as a company has shit moderation. i remember last year buying a skin during a glitches transac thing and not getting it. It took them 3 months to refund my val points.
thats the sad reality. ive opened a ticket on the support page for quite a while now, still no response
their response is shit
got into contact with a support person
and they couldn't give proof of my friend cheating
average support page moment