Unable to load valorant
i need help. 2 hours of trying still cant boot up valorant after the new update
when vanguard uninstalled valorant boot screen pops up and they shows to exit the app.
once i reinstall vanguard valorant doesnt start. I hit the play button, valorant shows in task manager and then get the app closes automatically.
reinstalled the game twice
63 Replies
To follow up I press the play button, after 5-10 secs am back to valorant screen in the riot client with the play button
No error code or crash?
Nothing. The app just shows in task manager and then goes off
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
Please press win + r. Then, enter tpm.msc. Then, send a photo of the app that opens

Make the tpm.msc window a bit bigger

Ok thanks
C:\Riot Games\VALORANT\live\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64
Go here ^^^
am there
Open the file named VALORANT-Win64-Shipping.exe

(Note: it couldnt ask for admin)
Right click the .exe
Open properties
Go to security tab
Then go to advanced
Then, send a photo

Press add
click Select a principal

Enter admin then press check names
Hello, im playing valorant for the first time and i keep running into this version of valorant requires secure boot and all my bios settings are corrrect
It should autofill to "DESKTOP-SKQJ8FN\Admin"
Open your own post
yes it autofilled
oh sorry
apply, ok, ok
then, send a photo of this

give the top one full control
actually modify only is enough
its not

Ok then do this
inherited permissions included them
same issue
this is what the installer will do for u

I click on update but it aint updating
And shiw back the update option
Its still saying this?
not sure if the repair feature will fix the permission for u
but on initial install and u chose a path that valorant files alr exists, then yeah
It just repeating thus
hm do you have more then one valorant install
Make your own post!
follow the permission fix here
i uninstalled it and deleted the riot games folder. then install it.
how do i check for multiple instances?
Try launching the .exe as an admin
same 😦
Launch though riot client
u shouldnt run the executable directly
run from riot client
um the video got cut. anyway i press the play button
and in 5 secs am back to this screen
i wanted to capture it but sadly cannot
i see the bootstrappedpackagedgame (in the bottom for some time and then its goes)

Have you messed with the admin settings or compatibility settings?
there was a troubleshooter pop in which i think compatibility settings was applied.
But i am facing this same thing as soon as i installed the update
Should i fresh install the game and try ur security settings?
third time. lets go. see u in 30
Delete everything
having to do with riot
Vanguard, Riot client, Valorant
the installer will do it for u
well since u are going to reinstall
i recommend u to do a clean install
delete all riot games and valorant or any related folders
after u uninstalled
leftovers in %localappdata%, c:\program data\
files in program files folder should be removed iirc
only the root folder will be left there

and then gone
same thing
one thing i noticed is once i try to launch valorant, my razor central app tries to clear some ram in the background. is it related?
it does that becuz it detected a game was started
also that's cortex, not central app

ok so valo worked after two things:
1. unticking the run as admin for riot client
2. updating to the lastest windows 11 23H2. it was 23H1 before
thanks @Saucywan and @mythea