Remix Vite & CloudFlare

Hi all, I'm having trouble getting my app to build on CloudFlare. it just sits on remix vite:build and goes no further. Is there a way to show more verbose errors so I can find out why this is happening? If I run remix vite:build locally it build fine? Is there a way to see any other logs on Pages to see what is causing the issue?
1 Reply
JasonColeyNZOP13mo ago
OK, managed to get further, I was using InstallGlobals in the vite.config.ts, so this has allowed me to go further, excellent. Now I have the following issues to sort So any ideas how I can fix these errors, the dependancy of certain packages need an update from what I can see, i.e. cookie-signature needs to use require('node:crypto') from what I can ascertain to work on CF, but how can I do this in a project, force a dependancy to use a modified verion of a package?

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