Reoccuring common crashes
Everytime I load into any game of valorant, Comp,dm,range etc it always crashes and boots back up and then crashes and I literally cant play. Please help
23 Replies
It happened to me a few times, I’ve only been able to get into one game
Do you know how to fix?
Hello @Civiqs
yoo saucywan
What do you mean boots back up
U got any idea how to fix?
Like it crashes then my riot client gets opened then says "new patch update" I update then it opens automatically then i load into a game and it crashes
Did you open a ticket?
Yes yesterday but ive tried everything
they havent responded yet
Ok then you should have been asked to run a program named "Riot Repair Tool"
Like i searched up on yt the past week and I havent found that no
And riot hasnt contacted me yet
When you made a ticket
In that create forum. It will ask you to do that
how? lol

oh that
So you did?
Run it?
I saw that but didnt click it
Do that :)
doing it now
I somehow loaded into a game, my friend said wait for a new udpate, lemme play this and try to que another if i get into games back to back then its fixed
hold on ill let you know when the game is done
I crashed mid game and its not letting me load it back up it just keeps crashing
Run the repair tool and send me the output in dms
It will give you .zip file
it should be on your desktop
if you ran it
Oh yeah it says "riot logs"