How come Riot Games still allows this?

An entire team smurfing on low "Bronze - Iron" elo, they purposely lower their account to 1 iron to play against lower ranks, why is this still legal?, it damages the game, it damages the user experience. I understand that smurfing if you are only 1 and you are a content creator, has no penalty, but they play badly so that they are given 1 iron on purpose and play at low elo, apart from being an entire team, it doesn't seem fair to me, the truth is Riot. On top of this being bad, don't smurf in silence, they flame the lower ranks, and making comparisons with them, Valorant is really ceasing to be the same if this continues like this.
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33 Replies
fecker14mo ago
just stop 5 stacking
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
And that is the solution? HAHAHA, if I want to enjoy with my 4 friends I can't because there is a team of radiants who are smurfing on iron beads just to boost their ego, or sell those same beads Those same people were founded in the VALORANT LATAM group, and I don't understand why riot hasn't thought about doing something with this, and everyone who does the same
fecker14mo ago
if you want to enjoy valorant with 4 people, just play unrated? simple
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
Of course, that's the goal of the game, you can't compete with your friends because this happens I understand that it is not Riot's fault, this happens in any tactical shooter, but there should be a solution like putting a price on each account, this way smurfing is reduced, I think
fecker14mo ago
yea there is a price on these accounts people buy it
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
xd, I mean that Valorant should be paid, this way the sale of boosted accounts is reduced and less smurf
fecker14mo ago
that is a stupid idea if people pay for the appno ones gonna play it
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
Do you have a better one?
fecker14mo ago
people already spend hundereds on skins yea 2auth
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
I'm also not saying that Valorant would have to cost thousands of dollars. But something minimal to reduce smurf and boosted accounts Because the objective of riot with valorant is to compete and test your skills It is impossible The truth
fecker14mo ago
are you insane? who tf is paying thousands of dollars for a game even 5 dollars isnt reasonable just have phone number to play comp. as stated before they make hundreds of dollars from each person
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
KSAJKASS I don't know if I made myself understood, my English is very bad, sorry. I mean, I'm not mentioning that Valorants have to cost hundreds of dollars, that they should cost at least an acceptable price.
fecker14mo ago
yea im just saying thats not practical
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
Well, very good for riot, the truth is, but the sale of boosted accounts damages the experience of users who do want to enjoy the game, and Valorant goes from being a game to a method to earn money and that's it. And I'm sure it's not the first time that riot has had this case, because there are several content creators who mention the same thing, and riot didn't even know
fecker14mo ago
if you do want to enjoy the game, play unrated, theres no elo to gain or lose
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
but man, I like to compete, I want to put my skills to the test, I thought Valorant was a competitive game, that's why I'm interested
fecker14mo ago
thats just the sad part about being the lowest rank in valorant
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
I understand It's true too
fecker14mo ago
another solution is just, dont 5 stack, like you guys can 5 stack in unrated but if you want to compete and rank up yet still play with your friends, try trio
𝓢✯𝓝OP14mo ago
You're right But it would also be good for Riot to take that into account, so that the solution you give me is not necessary, don't you think? Although I doubt it will It is a problem that has been going on for years, and several users have been complaining and to date nothing has happened with it.
Sebi14mo ago
smurfing on iron and only 18 kills 💀
PieCreeper13mo ago
A better solution that I thought of is allowing only one account to play competitive on the same device. And if the player wants to change the account that can play competitive. they would have to contact Riot support or something.
harookie13mo ago
can somebody help i have same error #i need help
mythea13mo ago
bruh 💀 the reyna there is wild
Sebi13mo ago
I was the reyna
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Sebi13mo ago
🤫 🧏
Arii13mo ago
Damn that cypher had a really bad night
mythea13mo ago
eipstein partner 😮
𝓢✯𝓝OP13mo ago
Yeah, but we also gave them a fight, or they must be bad for their praise xd I understand
U can bring a true immortal 3 or radiant with u and they will all be deleted XD like me
𝓢✯𝓝OP13mo ago
KSJAKSJAS let's see, pass me ID and we leave them without the will to live
okay First what server u play ? cuz rn I only play Middle East servers
𝓢✯𝓝OP13mo ago
At the moment I play in Latin, but in a couple of months I will be in Europe, if you like we will be in contact to play as soon as I arrive ^^

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