how do u uninstall val???
how do u uninstall valorant? i have already uninstalled the vanguard cheat system or whatever thinking that was stopping it from uninstalling, but it still wont. i need space on my computer and i would like my 2.33 terrabites back now please
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i managed to uninstall it through a another app called CCleaner, immedately deleted all the files relating to it
15 Replies
Valorant doesn't use 2.33 terabytes.
However, to uninstall the game, I suggest removing all the files by hand. Windows doesn't do the best job at deleting apps sometimes, especially with Valorant.
I'm pretty sure the two main files are located under:
C:\Riot Games
C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard
ya it is for me at least and thx

That's a glitch with incorrectly displayed App Sizes.
alr but idk what else explains no space on my computer besides this the rest of my apps are 10gb and under
"Don't worry about it. The installer set an errant value in its listing. That value is not calculated but rather just a stored value in the registry, pay it no mind."
Download TreeSize.
It basically gives an insider look at your files.
I'll show you an example in one second.

Basically an enhanced File Explorer where it shows all the sizes and stuff.
ah ok ill look into it
go to your windows settings "if your on windows" search up apps and click it, search up valorant there, if you right click you should be able to see uninstall
ive tried that hasnt worked
alright srry then
thx anyways tho lol
i managed to uninstall it through a another app called CCleaner, immedately deleted all the files relating to it