Is there any way to contact someone to report more than one domain the the same time?

I found around 500 domains used for fake investing platforms scams. For some reason all of them uses cloudflare nameservers and have cloudflare issued ssl certificates. There is a form that I can use to report websites but it allows me to provide only one domain per report
68 Replies
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Flare14mo ago
If you feel that a site is engaging in illegal or inappropriate activities, you can submit an abuse report at The Trust and Safety team will review the details and reply if appropriate. You can also report the site to your relevant local authorities. Reports cannot be filed via Discord or with individual employees or Champs.
DarkDeviL14mo ago
If this is the form you're actually referring to, then no, there is no other way.
oceanOP14mo ago
but url's cannot be under different domains for some reason So if I'd report all these domains it would take me 500 times filling this one form? 🤦‍♂️
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I can definitely understand your 🤦‍♂️-kind of feeling, and how devastating that it may eventually appear. However, it is also important to understand, ... with: - banocean.example - darkdevil.example - test.example They ARE three different domain names, and it MAY actually also be three different entities behind them, and as such, they are three different cases, not one single case to review.
oceanOP14mo ago
Those are actually normal domains registred massively with ai generated websites
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Mixing all these three domains (and potentially three different cases) together, even if possible, will only just prolong the time it takes to review the (individual) case.
oceanOP14mo ago
But it's like exact same scheme and even forms on this websites work same way
DarkDeviL14mo ago
"Like" is the key there. As you said fake investment platforms, and as we're talking about reporting them to the abuse department, - I wouldn't have posted the screenshot though... But the second and third, the .io and .digital looks similar, - yes. The first and fourth ... doesn't. (Based alone on your screenshot)
oceanOP14mo ago
I have like 500 and all of them looks similar
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I see a minimum of three different cases there, assuming we're combining the ones in the middle.
oceanOP14mo ago
also all of them have registration form in login page and no way to login becouse they call you after you submit this form to get you to send them money
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Well, the first two lines (registration, no way to login) doesn't *necessarily sound ill, with such kind of "closed registrations", if we could call it that. Third and forth does sound ill though...
oceanOP14mo ago
It's using nameservers but not the registrar
DarkDeviL14mo ago
But well, I'm not the one that have set the requirements. So is all I can suggest you to go through.
oceanOP14mo ago
nope It's just not finished website I can provide you list of 500 websites like that and some with videos used to advertise them also most of them have something like "Official & Update Website 2024" in title and I have fake article with fake comments on fake news website promoting on of them like you can tell it's a set scam Thats why maybe someone from official cloudflare support can offer some better way of resolving this
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I'm not saying that what you are saying isn't true, or that I don't believe you. I completely understand the issue from your side. But that website address is the only way. Cloudflare Support and Trust & Safety are two different department with no relation to each other. And it is Trust & Safety from that need the case(s).
oceanOP14mo ago
corporate setup without any ability to handle exceptional cases :/
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Cloudflare Support, Cloudflare Community, or the Discord community here CANNOT do anything about it.
oceanOP14mo ago
ok, this form results also in site being blocked by cloudflare dns?
oceanOP14mo ago
It claims to "protect [...] connections from malware" lol
No description
DarkDeviL14mo ago
The final judgement (and result) will be up to the Trust & Safety department to decide. This one doesn't look to me, to be from though.
oceanOP14mo ago
Also claiming that using certain DNS can prtect your home itnernet connection from malware is atleast an overstatment but the thing is can I report it even if it doesn't use cloudflare products
DarkDeviL14mo ago
If you are running the resolver that people use to be able to translate to, then you can also filter the responses, or even give incorrect ( responses, which will be able to defend at least some, or limit the exposure for at least non-tech savvy people. So it probably depends on how deep you wish to go in to that kind of situation.
oceanOP14mo ago
Yes, but distributing malware can be done under the same domains as normal websites Ik how does it work
DarkDeviL14mo ago
If the website doesn't use any Cloudflare products at all (be it Cloudflare name servers, having their individual (sub-)domains Proxied through Cloudflare, ... or the like), then Cloudflare won't be able to do anything at all, ever.
oceanOP14mo ago
In Poland CERT Polska takes care of this by maintaining list of websites that most of telecom oprator use to drop/overwrite dns packets with requests for them
DarkDeviL14mo ago
So there, it wouldn't make sense to bother Cloudflare with something that is outside of Cloudflare. Well, in that case both the malware and the website would go down at the same time. Website owner wold only have themself to thank for that, for not having their security up to date, or whatever happened the made malware distribution be possible in the first place.
oceanOP14mo ago
I mean you can use for example discord cdn and until someone reports it, it will work and dns not gonna help you with that and thats why I consider this overstatement
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I believe that would be against the Disccord ToS to abuse their CDN like that. But I'm also under the impression that wherever possible, nasty people will always try to find workarounds, - even if they are only working temporarily. ^ Like this one, I can add that Denmark does some of the same.
oceanOP14mo ago
it would be useful if cloudflare would even care about websites from those lists that uses their nameservers
DarkDeviL14mo ago
DNS filters in Denmark have been attempting to filter anything from CSAM material, to pirate sites, and what the state/gov considers illegal gaming sites. But it's far from all of their lists that are public. I'm not sure how I should interpret the strikethrough though...
oceanOP14mo ago
I mean this CERT Polska thing is not related to DNS blocking requested by other goverment agencies that can do it Like all of these corporations are doing nightmare from site reporting like look at google safe browsing report one max with no way to contact them later microsoft nearly same and some captcha system from 2012 cloudflare limit domains per report too
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Nightmare in which direction actually? Denmark's "DNS filters" ended up on blocking Facebook with allegations of CSAM in the past...
oceanOP14mo ago
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Too lenient hitting the "block" button is a nightmare as well.
oceanOP14mo ago
CERT Polska seems to be more organized Everything I did and everyone I interacted from them
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Not sure lenient is the right word though... But given all the stuff, and people trolling with reports and whatsoever I understand that such reporting forms may be a bit complicated Such as in your case, requiring an individual report per domain.
oceanOP14mo ago
gl reporting 500 domains like cert polska allows me to do that
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Such bulk reporting may lead to even more accidental errors as the Facebook case above.
oceanOP14mo ago
and they had effort to reach out to hosting companies etc. to take them down but like everyone is making it impossible rn And that's why maybe explaining what's wrong with these sites and whats unique about them can lead to easier scanning of them and finding even more domains
DarkDeviL14mo ago
How exactly are you bulk reporting to CERT Polska?
oceanOP14mo ago
They allow report via [email protected] email and they have forms on tehir website but those forms have limit of 50 urls The only problem is that most of telecoms have that, but it's not like 3/4 of isp's that doesn't do anything else than being isp would care :/
DarkDeviL14mo ago
The problem with emailing that way is that it doesn't ask for the appropriate details.
oceanOP14mo ago
microsoft has other forms too? wtf
No description
oceanOP14mo ago
that would reach back to you if they need something more also email isn't the recommended way, but I use it becouse of the 50 domains limit
DarkDeviL14mo ago
If I were sitting with [email protected] or whatever, and received one single message / ticket, with 500 different domains, it would go two possible ways: 1. Arhived, invalid 2. Hello, please report individual domains as an individual case.
oceanOP14mo ago
I mean they could but I checked and they didn't
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Well, lucky for you I guess.
oceanOP14mo ago
also I mean they aren't like average goverment agency and as far as ik people there are doing quite a grat job at this
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Ticket systems and so often do not have good ways of splitting cases apart, such as if you send 500 domains at once as you indicate. Just like it would be 💩 for you to report them individually, it would be 💩 for them to split them, even if possible. Therefore, a such 500 domain message would likely go directly to the archive. With no action at all.
oceanOP14mo ago
I mean people answering those aren't average outsourced 3'rd world country support so they could automate checking stuff like this prob especially sucha repetetive stuff like I do report Let's see if microsoft will do it
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Not really, automating such stuff as you say with 500 domains at once, ... isn't possible. If you have put references in your email to several different ones of them, ... What reference is to what domain?
oceanOP14mo ago
I mean they could have a tool that checks for this form for example and taking 10min to write it is faster than checking 500 doamins still
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Well, we can easily add that things are better today than 25 years ago if you should do something like trying to automate such, .... But it's still quite impossible...
oceanOP14mo ago
this file I sent them like 5 reports instead of this file I mean I was colleting this stuff for like a 3 days
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I suggest you remove that one again, and do not post such things publicly on any of the communities, if we're talking about scam websites like you initially posted...
oceanOP14mo ago
Microsoft doesn't even write me explanation of my report 🤦‍♂️
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I understand it is only meant as an example from your side, but it's literally spreading it around 😦
oceanOP14mo ago
Whats wrong with that I don't think it would change anything like I sent only in places with converstation relevant to this
DarkDeviL14mo ago
You aren't really a good Samaritan after all, if you're actually spreading what you're actually trying to get off the Internet? It's a public place, where 40k others can see it...
oceanOP14mo ago
no random person would search for this in random thread in random channel also if you're using cloudflare you're probably not that dumb to go to random website that is wierd af and provide your details recive phone call and send to someone your money also there are like 3 people in this conversation
oceanOP14mo ago
@DarkDeviL also I think you might want to look at this
List of malicious domains
With the help of telecommunications operators, we are starting a war against phishing sites that target personal data, banking information and social media accounts. In response to the growing number of phishing incidents related to the coronavirus pandemic, we are launching a list of malicious domains targeting Polish users. It …
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Regardless of the visibility of 3 people, or all the 40k+ people that can read it, it is still not a good idea to post such links publicly, if they are related to scam or malware, as you appear to have noted previously.
oceanOP14mo ago
I think we are making bigger deal out of this than it's actually is
DarkDeviL14mo ago
I could say the same about your 500 individual reports 🤔
oceanOP14mo ago
not gonna solve captcha 500 times to report it for example to google safe browsing
DarkDeviL14mo ago
Anyway, I also think we discussed the issue you came about originally though.

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