Vulx allowed?
I want to use Vulx, but I don't want to get banned.
So my question is: am I allowed to use Vulx in Valorant?
18 Replies
what even is that
Tf is this ? And if you have no real answer like a answer from the support just dont use it, assume its bannable
okay and its for changing your tag, lvl and rank
defo not allowed
And you still ask ? natural selection should be add again...
Like he he said 100% not allowed
Yea riots def gonna let u CHANGE UR RANK
What type of question..
sorry mb
nah mb your 15 even if its silly mb xd
dont trush anything on internet, everything can be made, nothing should have 100% of your trust even in irl, if its mods for online game just take a break make research and see if the anti cheat ban easily or not, vanguard do really easily
oh okay i couldn't find anything online thats why i asked
better to ask than to just download :OKAY: well done
just wondering, how does that even work
does it like change it in-game?
trick the game into thinking ur __ rank or __ level?
i think it just changes the visuals
either way it modifies game files
its only showing it for friends not on the leaderboard
basically changes this. still in game files, so pretty sure vanguard will perma you then

you can always photoshop if u want :Gekko_Wingman_Pat:
i checked it out, its only visual 😂 u can change to radiant but u still onnat gold lobby