G | Flow 4D (2024-02-07)
C1.0 - Are FT/NFT core contracts deployed in the emulator preview updated to final versions?
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yes, the addresses are here: https://developers.flow.com/build/core-contracts
Flow Core Contracts | Flow Developer Portal
The smart contracts that power the Flow protocol
well most of them at least
I'm going to be updating the docs to include all the deployment addresses
Yes, the latest build, https://forum.flow.com/t/update-on-cadence-1-0/5197/8, has the updated core contracts and new v2 FT/NFT standards
We are going to do another build soon though with the actual finalized versions of the contracts, so keep an eye out for that. We had to make a few small changes to the contracts in the one we released last week
Thanks @joshua was referring to latest/final so I’ll keep an eye out. Ping me if you think of it
Unknown User•14mo ago
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