unable to open Valorant on Windows 11
Hi team, running an Asus TUF with 4600H and 1650 GTX.
I'm unable to open Valorant from client, folder and start menu.
Tried added VGC service on startup, reinstalled the game, ran it as an administrator but still there's no progress in opening the game.
Would really appreciate some fixes.
17 Replies
Do you have any error codes to work with?
If you don’t then can you please explain what happens from when you click play on the riot client
Nothing happens
I got the lack of admin privileges error while launching from file explorer
After that, nothing. Valorant takes only 150-180 MB of ram from Task manager, apart from that, nothing
Tried to run in compatibility mode, also tried running as an admin, set priority via task manager as high for both client and valorant, no progress
Nope, since 2 years same machine, was working perfectly yesterday
Does vanguard show in the task tray or only in services?

Getting this error
Does the file exist in that folder?
Vanguard icon is same as riot client?
Yep, ran from file explorer
Right click on it and it should say exit vanguard if you can’t tell
I did a clean install on my F: drive, but not showing, but shows up in services
The riot client services file exists there? Or are you trying to launch client services here
Yes, did it thrice
Then vanguard isn’t running
So that is prio nr 1
It's set up to running automatically in services
there's no updates
it was running perfectly fine last night
did VGC as automatic
trying to run
did you restart the pc after setting it to automatic?

okay it ran
loading screen
I think that is normally just for windows services
The devs sometimes have a task set in task scheduler to sync it back for some reason
windows things ig ¯\_(ツ)_/¯