19 Replies
apart from the 11% hs quote its not bad
It’s becuz I always hit neck like twice and then headshot
So I have like 30% headshot rate but in tracker it’s head hit percent
Also I use judge sometimes
neck isnt head
so you do have 11% head hit
tracker is not wrong
what about mine

how does bro have a 64.8% win rate, def smurfing
smurfing on ascendant? 😭

I know that I said that up there
I mean it’s head hit not head shot
Head shot I have 30
Head hit as in how many hits go to head
So yea it’s right
Headshot as in how many headshot kills compared to kills
is that so
That’s what I thought it was at first so I was cknfused
where did you get that
is that written somewhere?
since this doesnt make sense then

or this: 43% of 10 kills are 4.30, but i cant do 4.3 kills :hmm:

what im trying to say: your 11.2% hs rate, is how often your hits are headshots in correlation to all of your shots
I was just saying my headSHOT percentage (headshots ratio to kills) is like 30%
But tracker measures hits 😭
well either way, try to hit more headshots lol
Yep I’ll try
Went back to gold bc of 2 afks in pistol and then come back to deny remake and then go afk again
Somehow I still match mvped lmfao