Required Dependency Missing
I've been facing this issue for months on end now with no fix, I've tried restarting my PC multiple times, retrying, uninstalling vanguard, uninstalling the game, uninstalling the riot client, etc and even manually allowing the vgc service to run at startup and still doesn't work, i refuse to open a ticket with riot as in my previous experience are extremely unhelpful and take an outrageously long time to respond.

Solution:Jump to solution
Close vanguard in the system tray then open cmd as admin and enter:
sc delete vgc
sc delete vgk...
33 Replies
Typically this is due to stuff like antiviruses blocking the install of vanguard files
dont have any AV software running and i have windows defender off
Have you tried clean booting to ensure it’s not some other auto starting software?
no but i dont have anything on startup that would interact with this process
Well you don’t know that, something has to be blocking the install or it would be going through obvsly
It may not be software but it is by far the most common issue for this
now getting this after following these steps

cant log in
still same issue

there isnt a valorant button in the user icon ui

u mean this?

Both of these things would’ve gone away on their own with your other troubleshooting
Since you reinstalled and it’s been happening for a while
i think like ever since maybe early january update

Have you tried the simple solution of simply running the riot client as admin so it has permissions to install vanguard?
vanguard is already installed and running and yes ive tried that makes no difference
i literally deleted everything and anything related to riot games
completely wiped
uninstalled then deleted the folders
When you uninstalled vanguard did you remove the service or only the application?
Could be that they have a version miss-match if you forgot the service part
dont think u can uninstall services
you can actually
Close vanguard in the system tray then open cmd as admin and enter:
sc delete vgc
sc delete vgk
Then reboot the pc, remove the riot vanguard folder and then try to let the game install it again
where would this folder be
c:/program files i think
nothing there
i uninstalled it thru the tray
nothing there either
It should be on the same drive as your riot client
if you have multiple
did you just do this? If so it’s probably gone already
ok ill restart and try install val again
Like the control panel or do you simply mean you exited with the tray
on tray i hit uninstall
then clicked yes on the popup
Well you don’t really need to remove riot client, that’s a bit excessive
Valorant may be unnecessary as well as it may work already
Well you would get a different error if the problem is with client syncing but you do you ig
Doesn’t take a crazy amount of time to reinstall ig
ok works now
the service thing did it
thanks @Arii
The dependency installed?
yes the game launched normally