vanguard not downloading
my riot vanguard isnt installing at all can someone help me or explain why tis happening?
(checked for vgc) (theres no riot vanguard installed so please dont say delete it and then it will re install) (already tried re installing and reset my computer)

5 Replies
Have you tried disabling stuff like antiviruses which may be blocking the install?
Did you try clean booting to try the install?
how do i do that?
Sorry I’m at work so responses will take a while typically.
Search for msconfig then open it and go to services, MAKE SURE “Hide all Microsoft services” IS CHECKED.
Then click disable all, apply and ok.
After this open task manager either by searching or with ctrl + shift + escape and then go to the startup tab and disable any third party programs that are set to startup, make sure to go back here later and reverse this on any programs you want back on boot. After this hold shift and click shutdown when closing the computer to perform a full shutdown then start back up
Once again please make sure that the Microsoft services are hidden before you click disable all as it’s a huge pain to fix if you accidentally forget it