VALORANT14mo ago

when do afk penaltys reset?

my friends pc kept crashing and he had like a 2 hour penalty, how long does he have to wait/how many games does he have to play without being afk for the afk penalty timer to reset so it goes back to 5/10 mins?
3 Replies
AngelosOP14mo ago
can someone help me?
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
In one of Valorant's support articles about behavior on Valorant, they say this:
If you have a clean (or mostly clean) record, you're unlikely to face much—if any—punishment. That being said, the above penalties are less about singular violations and more about the sum of your play history.
Basically, penalties are based on the serevity and history of penalties. Your friend probably won't go back to 5min restrictions because of their history. Though, it has been said by others, that time is also a factor in lower restrictions time. But I can't verify this as I could not find it officially stated Your friend can always appeal restrictions/discuss them with Riot support by opening a ticket from the link below 👇
VANGUARD14mo ago
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.

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