Every time I launch val this file called "vstdlib_s.dll" shows up on my desktop. Does anyone know how can I fix that?

5 Replies
Can it be caused by virus?
I think it’s just a temporary memory file for valorant, do you perhaps have show hidden files on for the desktop?
If it only creates on valorant boot and is reused instead of making a new one every time I don’t see any issue with it
If you absolutely hate seeing it then try the first thing I said, disable desktop icons or contact riot support
I checked, I don’t have that option enabled.
when I delete it it creates again, i even tried to put it in map but it shows on desktop again
yeah i have the same problem here
it's known to create some random files that's not relevant at all
like something sus but actually not
it creates that shit whenever u start
for no exact reason
it doesn't make sense tho
workaround is to uninstall vanguard
delete the file, on desktop and c:\program data\
and vgkbootstatus.dat in %windir%
it will still generate it in program data folder btw