Question about shiny trading?

The stardust trading infographics I've seen all say a shiny not registered in the other person's dex costs 1 million stardust to trade at base friendship, but the wording there makes me unsure. Does this mean they have to have already registered that exact shiny, or just that pokemon? More simply -- If I trade a shiny Lickitung to a new friend that has Lickitung in their dex, but has never registered specifically shiny Lickitung to their dex, does the trade cost me 1 million stardust, or does it cost 20 thousand?
1 Reply
EmDotComOP14mo ago
Your honor, I may be goofy. Looked in this channel a 3rd time with slightly DC different wording & found this was already answered -- Yes, that trade WILL cost me 1mill. Dang.

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