Cloudflare ZeroTrust SSH tunnel

Dear All! I configured ZeroTrust tunnel according to this: Changed client config as well. However when I try to ssh via this tunnel, I get "Connection closed by UNKNOWN port 65535" I have found numerous google posts about this, but none of them helped me. Does anyone has idea?
Cloudflare Docs
SSH · Cloudflare Zero Trust docs
The Secure Shell Protocol (SSH) enables users to remotely access devices through the command line. With Cloudflare Zero Trust, you can make your SSH …
5 Replies
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
Can you check your WAF event log and see if you see any requests that are getting blocked to your ssh host. I’ve had that happen to be before
kristofradoOP14mo ago
Thank you! Unfortunately as far as I can see, no blocks happening on my side I though see that the request never arrives at my server in sshd So this is something in Cloudflare I think
Cyb3r-Jak314mo ago
Yeah Cloudflare can block the access requests to your server. Don’t know what else to check, hopefully someone else has ideas.
kristofradoOP14mo ago
Anyway, thank you for your idea!
Chaika14mo ago
You're using the cloudflare access ssh way, or the WARP way? There's two solutions/ways in that tutorial Silly question but I would also ask if you can ssh directly bypassing CF, and if it works or not

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