Angular SSR with Cloudflare
I saw this tweet from Igor about a SSR'ed Angular page that was deployed to Cloudflare
How does that work? I can't find any resources on how to deploy an Angular SSR app.
Igor Minar (@IgorMinar) on X
A few key highlights for
⏱️ started with: npm create cloudflare
⚡ deployed to Cloudflare's super-fast global network
🅰️ built as the first-ever production Angular SSR app deployed to Cloudflare
💯 all 🟢🟢🟢 Lighthouse perf audit
3 Replies
Just found this: hope it helps
Cloudflare Docs
Deploy an Angular site · Cloudflare Pages docs
Angular is an incredibly popular framework for building reactive and powerful front-end applications.
hmm but seems like it isn't SSR
Yea, it doesn't look like it includes SSR