42 Replies
What’s the issue
tpm 2.0 error
this the guy that needs to fix it my friend
i tried everything to fix it ive been in bios and boot settings
Enable TPM 2.0 on your PC - Microsoft Support
Learn how to check if your PC is capable of running TPM 2.0 or how to enable TPM 2.0 to upgrade to Windows 11.
and it still isnt working
which pc or laptop you have?
i have hp mother board
which os
But what’s the actual issue
this is the issue

whats an os?
operating system like windows or mac
oh windoes
Turn them on
yet i have ?
TPM is the trusted platform module, is it an authenticated motherboards?
It says you have not
Try turning it on again
its not off>?
It says it’s not enabled.. meaning it wouldn’t be on
you can try this surely for enabling
how can i find that out? i bought it prebuilt
then its pretty sure authenticated
no kidding yet ive turned it on if i was to check it would say on you think im lying or sum
Do you have a TPM?
yeah its enabled in my bios
Turn it off and on again
and it still doesnt work?
In order to get Vanguard, VALORANT’s anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003: https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/10088435639571-Troubleshooting-the-VAN9001-or-VAN-9003-Error-on-Windows-11-VALORANT
Microsoft Support on Secure Boot: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/windows-11-and-secure-boot-a8ff1202-c0d9-42f5-940f-843abef64fad
Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/enable-tpm-2-0-on-your-pc-1fd5a332-360d-4f46-a1e7-ae6b0c90645c
no it dosent
tried severel times now
thats weird
3 day ongoing ticket
with riot support
and when i see a chance of it fixing itself it says restart system to play and i do and it keeps saying it
which windows do you use?
id suggest to delete valorant,disable TPM then enable then restart and download valorant again
Outdated BIOS version: The main cause of the “boot failure after enabling Secure Boot” issue is an outdated BIOS version. GPU failure: This issue could also be that the dedicated GPU is starting to fail. Outdated SSD drivers: If you are able to boot without Secure Boot enabled, your SSD driver may be the cause.
so it could be my ssd and my gpu?
so i cant play val at all?
ill try this and let you know
It says to update ur drivers
But don’t go
I already trued