VALORANT14mo ago


will i lose all my progression, skins, ranked buddies and everything if I change region? I peaked radiant on EU servers and I moved country and are trying to switch to AP. I don't want all my buddies to dissapear I don't mind about current rank I can always regrind to ascendant but all my hard work will it be gone?
1 Reply
MixNix ★
MixNix ★14mo ago
This is the official place to change your Riot Accounts region. In the post below, there is no mention of your account getting restricted, changed, or wiped when you change the regions. We can infer that the only thing that would change is the location data tied to your Riot Account https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047379834-Changing-Your-Region-of-Residence-for-Your-Riot-Account
Changing Your Region of Residence for Your Riot Account
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