Adding CNAME record gives 522 error
I host my website on Cloudflare Pages
I manage my own domain using Cloudflare's DNS.
Any domains or subdomains you've added so far will be transferred successfully via CNAME.
However, as soon as I add a CNAME record to a subdomain added today or a newly contracted domain, a 522 error appears and the server cannot be reached.
Is there anyone experiencing the same phenomenon?
If it's due to my environment, I'll continue investigating...

4 Replies
As a test, specify the app and app2 subdomains to the exact same Pages target.
app has been available for a long time and can be connected, but app2 displays a 522 server error instead of a 404 error due to waiting for DNS reflection even after a long time has passed since setting it up.
This is the first time I encountered this phenomenon

You need to have them as custom domains for your pages protect.
Yes, I am setting it to custom domain DNS.
When adding a custom domain to Cloudflare Pages, you should not have to operate the CDN, but should have reflected it from the Pages settings.
This problem has been resolved.
Thank you very much :MeowHeartCloudflare: