upload size

Hello! I curr use pterodactyl with cf behind it. There is also the option to transfer a server to another server, this server gets packaged. The transfer always fails, looks like the free plan has a upload limit how big a file can be. Is it possible to only upgrade the upload limit/file size limit?
5 Replies
Chaika14mo ago
It's 100 MB for free/Pro, 200 MB for Business, and 500 (or higher) for Enterprise https://developers.cloudflare.com/cache/concepts/default-cache-behavior/#upload-limits.
Cloudflare Docs
Default Cache Behavior · Cloudflare Cache (CDN) docs
Cloudflare respects the origin web server’s cache headers in the following order unless an Edge Cache TTL cache rule overrides the headers.
Chaika14mo ago
Those limits exist partly because Cloudflare buffers the entire upload at edge until its complete to prevent some attacks
If you require a larger upload, group requests smaller than the upload thresholds or upload the full resource through an unproxied (grey-clouded) DNS record.
(i.e if its support multipart you could have it done in smaller chunks, or do it through an unproxied/dns-only record)
zRxnxOP14mo ago
So for example i run ptero with entire cf I curr have full strict mode, should i just run a other certifacte and enable dns only and set full strict to only full?
Chaika14mo ago
You should always be full (strict), and your ssl/tls setting doesn't matter for unproxied/dns-only records at all, I don't get why you think you'd need to change it either one big downside of making it dns-only is you're losing out on CF's CDN/Caching/WAF/Protection/etc, requests go directly to your origin
zRxnxOP14mo ago
its just for the transfering ~2.2gb and it doesnt support multiple chunks i want to use cf, but this currently stops me to use it

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