i got tpm2.0 error but im not using windows 11 using windows 10
if you know how to fix @me
64 Replies
Window key + r -> "tpm.msc"
Window key + r -> "msinfo32"
wrong, u don't need to have vbs enabled actually

That's what I said
and u can't use secure boot when u have csm on, that's why u need to have it disabled
read what u said again
u always been misunderstanding things and telling something misleading
maybe u know how to fix the issue, but u don't understand
i try reinstall game but not work
tpm is off
can u show me ur bios?
screenshot it?
u can't screenshot while u re in bios
is msi
so take pic with ur phone
how i get in bios?
f12 or f8?
depends on ur mobo
since u have uefi
u can
shutdown /r /fw
in admin cmd
ok i ill try
add /t 0 for 0 seconds timeout
Maybe I don't understand apologies
u can't combine everything into one
u have to take them as different parts
then u will understand

show advanced and security

what laptop model is this
prob doesn't support tpm 2.0
Can't fix?
But I remember tpm2.0 is only for windows11 right?
I'm using windows 10
can u find something called intel trusted platform in ur bios?
it's ur tpm
I didn't mean to clump it into one. As I said, wrongly I assume, that in past you used to be able to have VBS. I think I am miss interpeting Valorant Support posts from a bit ago
yes but they brought to some old machines on win10
If you find old posts of mine that have misinformation can you ping me so I can edit or remove that content out o/
Can't find tpm
I think my computer don't support tpm2.0
actually u don't need vbs enabled to play the game, but if secure boot and tpm isn't enabled while vbs on, u can't play
so the workaround is disable vbs or enable tpm and secure boot
ugh yeah prob, ppl with similar model also doesn't have tpm
this is weird, to a 6th gen laptop
yesterday I can play
Today cant
even 6th gen i7 tho
in the security tab
Vanguard so annoying
press alt+f2+ctrl+shift
to open the hidden menu
Ok wait
left alt tho
and right ctrl
Not working
alt key at left side
ctrl and shift at right side
plus f2
Ok what next
show me
I see the hidden menu now
what's there


yeah that
btw that's actually a good bios
I buy this PC like 2019
Change to 1.2?
But I already using ptt
Not 1.2
save changes and exit
oh wait I forgot something
in security tab, turn on trusted computing
Working rn
no problem
I love you buddy
Ima kiss you
yet I still can't find the way to unlock my advanced options :/
the latest bios update unlocked voltage settings
and some vulnerabilities
but that's four years ago
fuck lenovo