im new to this game and wanna try out some new agents
which one should i try to unlock next?
56 Replies
A good start would probably be Omen if you like controlling, Killjoy if you want something simple, Rayna if you like getting kill or Kayo is pretty good for learning basic mechanics
im liking the sound of reyna
Yeah Rayna's fun, but only if you have reasonable aim
I think kayo is great cus his util is easy to learn and master and that plus good aim will get you far
Please its reyna
And reyna is good only if you come from cs go other than that you shouldnt play her, really weak agent that cant really play the role of duelist
i did come from cs go
Then go for kayo the flash are pretty much like cs go and he is better in everything
if i had good aim i would do chamber or reyna
Just do whatever catches your eye tbh. Every agent is at least okay.
chamber then, reyna is shit
reyna isnt that bad because it has a heal, blind, and dismiss which can get you out of bad situations
she is, worst duelist you can play, if you dont frag your useless, if you frag you help a little but you still dont provide any value to your team since your flash is weak and you cant entry
what is the best duelist?
raze or jett depend on the map
why do so many people instalock reyna then
because they have ego and many "coach" say to rank up you need to play alone and niah niah
but the fact is they never topfrag and if they do they have to much ego and say its never their fault if they lose when even with 30 you can make your team lose
i mean the reyna in my team is very good
but im playing unrated so idk what rank they are\
making kill and being usefull are two different thing reyna can do one for sure but not the other and if he dont do the first one he is useless, its a 4Vs5 its like that
who do you suggest to unlock then
we cant suggest an agent if we dont know how you play
So how do you like to play ?
Anchor site ? Flank ? Entry site ? Make space for team ? Help duelist to entry ?
make space for the team
im usually the first one on the bombsite
@Varsanity then go for jett or raze
In defense dont be too agressive, you can do it some round but if you see that dont work dont do it
If you need tips or ask question on some agent you can ask
il need to try them in like a custom game first but il def check them out ty ty
my first game as jett

idrk what to do with her updraft though
and her smoke
u can use her updraft to get up to places u usually cant
or use it for her ult because it has perfect accuracy even when ur moving
so if u jump itll mess up the enemies crosshair
and the smoke can be used for ALOT of stuff
entrying, hiding in spots, covering enemies sight, covering your teammate when defusing for a lil
ah ok thanks
im gonna watch some videos of pros using her
and see what i can cook with her
all good
but reyna imo is the best for beginners
or phoenix
beginner friendly agents
cuz with reyna u barely needa use util
only a simplef lash and heal and dismiss
i already tried reyna

its okay i guess
your already pretty good
i played alot of csgo before trying this game
i got bored of it bcs its really plain and boring
id choose reyna
reyna is
a very good agent
if u have good aim u win
i guess
il try
its a bit boring but
its better to rank up
im gonna try both
see who i like the best
bcs reynas abilities are really easy
so il see who i get better with
its easy but other agents can be more fun
im liking the look of jett more though
u can if u want
jett is actually the best duelist rn
or smth
wdym no
its a good agent for low elo i mean
Still no, you should say good for ego player with no mechanic when saying that you will talk to 90% reyna main and i already explain why reyna is bad and actually the worst duelist
I just add one thing, everything is perfect but you can use the updraft another way, there some lineup to know where you can updraft and ult at the same time, there is not that many but still good to know them
You can also dash updraft on some map to give yourself a huge boost
Press space and updraft at the same time to go a little higher and climj on 2 box
im pretty sure i mentioned the ult
Yeah but not lineup jump + ult