Suspended for no reason
Hi, I've been playing valorant again recently with my friend and I literally just spent over $50 on new skins and now I got suspended for "third party software" this is my first time ever being suspended and I don't understand why Im being suspended I don't have any third party software downloaded only Mods for 1 game called Lethal Company to play with friends. I'm a hardstuck bronze with my friend and we were working up to getting into silver together and I got suspended. My friend is even confused why I've been suspended when I'm literally a normal KDA player i get up to 10-20 kills n deaths each game I play. I like to comm a lot because I can hear footsteps or I assume where players can be because its obvious people like to corner or stay in usual spots but thats normal for me I always comm and never used a third party software to help me with playing valorant. Im just as any other normal player and since this is my first time being suspended for something like this I'm genuinely confused and want to know what I can do to make up for it? Do i have to reset my entire PC? because I share my PC w siblings so I'm unaware of the things they download sometimes. I need help to get my account back I have done nothing wrong please help me get my account back I spent over $300 on skins for this account I really want it back I don't want it to be suspended or deleted over something I didn't do. I would do anything to get my account back I had it for over a year now and I don't want to lose the only game I can play with my friend. On the site it says you guys can take away my rank if you guys want to do that please do I don't care I just want my account I'll reset my PC and get rid of whatever you guys are detecting I don't know what it is but I'll reset if i have to if it means i lose everything i had saved i don't care. I enjoy playing this game so much i dont understand how I got suspended this entire year my KDA and rank has been the same? I really want my account back i know im not good at the game thats why i try to practice more with my friends so i dont understand whats this thirdparty issue im having leading to my account getting suspended.. i sent screenshot with my friend i play with to rank up together and he even knows i havent done anything wrong please reach out please and thank you

46 Replies
If your ban appeal has been denied. You can't be unsuspended.
i just sent an appeal today im not sure what they are gonna say to me
if icant play valorant anymore is there anyway to refund what i bought recently
i just spent sm on skins this is unfair
If you run a chargeback
okay cool
But don't
yeah im gonna wait till they give me an answer i hope they give me a chance to fix this issue i dont want to be suspended i enjoy playin this game w my friends im confused abt this perm suspension lol
Dont get your hopes up...
well this is my first time being for suspended for no reason so idk
vanguard strikes yet again :val_KEKW:
but, strange as it may seem, your mods for lethal company could trigger it
fuck me dude
no way bru
Do you use thunder for lethal?
bc vanguard is hella invasive and strict
Yea i do use thunder..
might be the trigger
Shouldn't be that then
Because I use it too
And so do all my friends
i had another mod for lethal from past friends told me to download i forgt the name of it too
fuck it started w an R i thik
@Apple Sheep and you got banned?
Nobody I know who used thunder got banned
now you know :val_KEKW:
Its not a mod
for lethal company
Yeah it's a software for it
this shit so lame bruh i spent sm money on this account 2 get suspended as a hardsuck bronze crazy
being shit at a game n still sus
So it could have been a mod you installed of thunder
it isnt
@✩ bruh, riot and vanguard don't care
ik they dont shit is bs
Prob a virus then
yeah my friend said the same thing
i know some ppl who topped up more than 2-3k and got banned for "no reason"
Do you use any software for crosshairs?
nope i dont
i copied most of my crosshairs
Nvidia GeForce thingy?
i have that
@Apple Sheep dude, vanguard may be triggered by literally everything it doesn't like
Yeah Nvidia could be considered that
Because it overlays
i used it for clipping sometimes lol
no, i have it on all the time, not the issue
Gl tryna get unbanned
Hopefully they approve it
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yeah thank you