valorant not loading
When I try to open valorant it says I don’t meet the requirements and gives me an error and then closes valorant
32 Replies
Ps I did turn on secure boot but then my pc didn’t boot so I had to turn it back off
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val code 62
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and tpm.msc too
ig the error is van restrictions asking for tpm and secure boot, right?
ure on legacy mode, secure boot isnt supported
Just secure boot
u need to convert ur disk to gpt
and switch to uefi
Yeah each time I tried turning it on my pc wouldn’t boot properly so I put it back on legacy for the time being
open cmd as admin
mbr2gpt /validate /allowfullos
Alright got that in
Says it’s not recognized as an internal or external command
I forgot the t
u didnt type it correctly
Imma redo it rq
Okay I got it now

mbr2gpt /convert /allowfullos

then wait...
Says conversion failed
right click windows icon
show disk manager

show output again

advanced startup
boot into wire


command prompt
and do the commands there
Alright I have dms open