Hard stuck bronze?
Hi i think im hard stuck bronze my win rate is around 50% and i can dominate one game then lose the next right after right below is a screen shot of my current act games that valorant has saved some feedback would be cool and possibly some solutions too :)

22 Replies
were all those games played in one day?
if not then you probably need to do more warmup
and also try playing the game with the mindset of improving instead of winning
you will keep your mental for much longer
and dont be afraid to take fights
watch guides to see what fights you should take and be confident when fighting
i play like an hour or 2 of warm ups before comp and i do need to work on my mental i will admit that i try to watch guides and study alot of play making i just feel so down about how the rank system works
i have a friend who is silver and she only loses like 12 rr per loss and does like 3-12 each game so im just hella confused rn
like i can gain 25-42rr a win but i just lose it right away and am back at square 1 yk
i wish i clipped my gameplay for me to post tbh but i have a few gold friends that say i do well enough
warm up as long as you want, but i think over an hour is too much (unless its spread out over time than its fine).
thats a fair enough assessment my warm up is usually just a little bit of aim training (like 20 mins in range) then just some spike with friends then i jump into comp when i feel motivated
@R3B00T_ go on your tracker and look on which map you do good or bad and see if that happen often

i dont even like breeze thats wild
@R3B00T_ how much game since your in bronze ?
all of my comp matches have been bronze
@R3B00T_ can you send your tracker ?

Valorant Tracker
R3B00T#6969's Competitive Multiplayer Overview - Valorant Tracker
View R3B00T#6969's Valorant overview statistics and how they perform.
there we go
@R3B00T_ its not really harstuck you just dont play rank often
Your hs look pretty low do you often hs people ? Do you tend to insta crouch or spray ?
i tap crouch and shoot
i dont spray often
Do you know how to straff ?
sort of yeah im probably not a master
@R3B00T_ do you have a gameplay in rank so we can review it
thats what im saying idk how to record my games outside of obs
Obs, nvidia, amd, outplay, medal i think you also can with window
Don’t tap crouch