136 Replies

Any updates?
oh uh

Find the Disk 0 with basic below it and Right click it, Open properties, Click on the Volumes tab, Send a photo

Your drive type needs to be GPT not MBR
ahh ok
Ill now walk you though on how to change that
Press the windows key and search for “cmd”
Right click Command Prompt
Click “Run as administrator”
You should be able to now; type in this new window
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
will this change anything else?
just that?
alr did that
Did you get MBR2GPT: Validation completed successfully
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:0 /allowFullOS
Enter this and your secure boot will be supported

One sec
all good
How much free space do you have?
70 gb
i could make it more if needed
See how it says 3mb free
I going to try it in the windows recovery environment
Press windows
Enter "Reset PC"
find this

hold on
whats that gonna do?
Enter the windows recovery environment
so this?


From here press troubleshoot
Advanced Options
Command Prompt
mbr2gpt.exe /convert /disk:1 /allowFullOS
Ok I'm on phone now I'll do that

Scroll up a bit

"/ allowFullOS" <-- Remove that space
"/allowFullOS" <-- Correct

Oh boy
Its done
Oh ok
Now enter the command: shutdown -t 0 -r -fw
ok good

Did you turn on secure boot?
hold on
I did this now what?
Your in your bios?
Uhh maybe
Can you send a photo?

My motherboards a bit outdated but there
Thats fine
Go to Boot\CSM and set "CSM" to "Disabled".
If not already
Ok I did it
Its disabled
Was it on?
Press the "F10” key to save configuration changes
Go to Security\Secure Boot and set "Secure Boot Mode" to "Custom"
When I pressed f10 it saved and restarted my pc is that good?
Re-enter the bios
Ok I enabled it do I install secure boots key?
Set "Secure Boot" to "Enabled"
Then press the "F10" key to save configuration changes
That's ot?
Oh ty
Secure boot is now on
Thanks man

Hey man me again uhh either im dumb or uhhh

Window 11?
nope i have windows 10
How unlucky of you
uh oh
Some windows 10 systems need tpm also enabled
Please press win + r. Then, enter msinfo32. Then, send a photo of the app that opens
the thing grayed out is just my dads name
You forgot one
fifth from the top
oh shoot
You can unsend it

I dont need it
I have the info I need
oh ok
Tpm isnt supported in your device
is that good or bad?
But again there is a work around
but fine
oh boy
Open a command prompt and run it as an admin
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Enter this ^
and restart your pc
Alr done
Try valorant
It works
Tysm man
disable hvci and vbs
it works now
all ready done :D
bruh why ppl keep dodging my games
k bro more than 5 times in a row
boot into winre
then u need winpe
which allows u to convert to gpt without data losses
u need to download gbs of files
i would just use gparted
or any live boot partition manager

and rufus
to make it a bootale usb
for mbr, bios system tho
do u have an usb drive?
plug it in
note that data on it will be wiped
u have rufus rn?
select ur usb drive
and the gparted iso
preset is corret
just choose the iso
and press start
close it
now boot into ur usb
by pressing ur bios or boot menu hotkey during bootup
its different for every mobo
not this
boot menu
not bios flash
idk if u can select ur usb there
some mobos allow u to do that
if not, u need to access the boot menu
or simply move ur usb to the first order
yes bro
did u make the usb in gpt scheme?
i said u need it to be in mbr
boot into windows and remake
use common sense bruh
just change windows back to 1st order
also wait
i think i forgot something
gparted will wipe ur filesystem
u gotta use something like easeus, diskgenius or boot into winpe and use those commands
ugh well
u cant convert with gparted without data losses
whats ur bandwidth
if its fast enough then we will use winpe
Open cmd as admin
Enter diskpart
Then, list disk
Send a photo
Send the whole thing
Sel disk 0
list part
then send a photo
List vol
then send a photo
Sel vol 3
Shrink desired=500
mbr2gpt.exe /validate /disk:0 /allowFullOS
he failed tho
Go to c:\
in file explorer
yeah they will boot u into winpe
and everything is automatic
tbh idk anything better than those, diskgenius and easeus
go to the windows folder
there prob is
and find the file named: setupact . txt
Go to the end of the file
And then send it again
Press the windows key and search for “Create and format hard disk partitions”, The window “Disk Management” will open, Send a photo of it
back to cmd
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:1 /allowfullos
I put disk:0........
my fault
yeah but he never told he has two disk until now
you typed allowfullOS very wrong
mbr2gpt /validate /disk:1 /allowfullos
copy and paste ^^
Back to this
Right click on the unallocated
And press

Just go though it
nothing to change

What is the letter it was given?
back to cmd
enter: diskpart
what is the first partition in disk 1
bruh is that two efi?
list disk
sel disk 1
list part
And send a photo
sel part 1
detail part
partition 3 is esp, so wth is part 1
back to disk manager
delete first and third partitions
you have more then four partitions
after u did
show me
now do this again
ofc, exit diskpart first
yeah mbr disks can only have four primary partitions
if u want more it needs to be logical extended partitions
boot into winre
msgs by saucywan
winre cmd
actually u can use gparted to move the partition table
then use windows iso to repair the boot entries
but im not going to tell u to do that
@mythea going to need to make the boot partition
but that is going to be four
there alr is one
do u mind reinstalling windows?
will wipe everything
on ur disk
u can try
install at ur disk 0 partitions
or u can just use portable version
place it at disk 0
look at here
try to read urself
dont ask everything
right click hd1
backup partition table first
save at ur disk 0
click on hd1
show info
in disk part
show detail disk
of disk 1
can u read
in diskpart
detail disk
how many times have u done that tho
its alr on gpt
u can go ur bios
and switch to uefi mode
find something that says
or csm
boot into windows
show msinfo32
so u were alr on uefi at the start?
u didnt read all msgs and give us info
time wasted
boot into bios
enable secure boot
nah u never said
u asked us to help u in converting to gpt
but no info given
you did @poole13
also we clearly said the op needs to convert becuz his disk is in mbr thus he cant use uefi
u didnt read our msgs carefully
im not blaming on u, but u kinda need to learn how to read carefully before u ask
or u will end up wasting time like this
can u find anything related to secure boot rn?
security or boot tab
whats in advanced
seems like they didnt follow the uefi specifications?
last bios update was 2013
your motherboard was made for windows 7 / xp
bios update maybe
Im going to bed now :Bedge:
ms added secure boot support for win7 on 2021
while the bios is made for win7 on 2013
so they didnt follow the uefi specs
msi moment
from msi site