10 Replies
i have videos of those players who throwed the game but ya ;/ they throwed my game a team of 4 and were killing me in middle of rounds :/
here is kayo killing me
my video quality is bad i know that TwT
well they were swearing at me in rounds :/
in hindi
i don't know if i should be posting this here but if its not a topic to be posted here please do say i will delete it as soon as i can
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at https://support-valorant.riotgames.com/hc/requests/new for official support.
it´s alright! but you wont get any help from riot employees here, as it is " #community-help "
Thanks for informing me of this news but where do I report this
The report has been done in the link that you just provided thanks a lot geniux
So I should delete this post correct
if they actually said slurs in the game chat / voice chat, you can report them ingame as well, just go to your history and right click the players. you´ll find "report" there too :OKAY:
nono dw
you can mark it as solved if you want, but you dont need to delete anything :OKAY: