Mailchimp can't verify CNAME records.
Mailchimp is unable to verify CNAME records. They have succesfully propogated and I can look them up elsewhere.
I don't believe they are being flattened. Mailchimp also are unable to explain why they can't verify the records.
The CNAMES in question are:
5 Replies
Those don't look right. There's no TXT record at dkim{2, 3}
I would double check what mailchimp wants you to use
Their own guide says
Next to your domain, click View DKIM settings. A modal will appear with instructions for setting up DKIM on your DNS provider. Add two new CNAME records with the names and (replace with the domain you’re setting up). The value for the record should first CNAME should be, and the value for the second record should be Not sure if that varies though
@Chaika Appreciate the reply. That's not the records that they have given us to add. I have attached them below:

You misspelled the cname targets when you made the records 60 IN CNAME
, but you put mcvs
wow thank you so much. Both myself and Mailchimp support somehow missed that typo...
I feel slightly stupid now but thank you so much for your time! @Chaika
lol no worries it's an easy mistake to make on entering, looks like they're starting to resolve right now, mailchimp should pick that up properly in a bit