ping spike

I have a rtx 3060 and a decent setup. My average ping of 7. But sometimes, during any gamemode, my ping goes upto 1500, making it unplayable. I tried reinstalling and all the other things. I need help
11 Replies
Geniux14mo ago
ping doesnt really have anything to do with your setup or what stuff your pc got. it more a network problem. are you playing with ethernet or wifi? you will want to use ethernet. if you use ethernet and have decent download and upload speeds, you might want to contact your internet provider
bruh14mo ago
did u tried turning internet off and then back on again?
Galvanized Square Steel
ping is ussually something to do with your router rather then your setup You could try changing your computers D.N.S server move your setup closer to the router (unless you use ethernet)
mythea14mo ago
well I'd suggest u to contact ur isp to check if ur network is really having issues, open cmd, ping 8 -t wait for few minutes there shouldn't be any spikes or packet losses ctrl+c to stop
bluejeansOP14mo ago
Yall are better than youtube Thanks ill try it out
mythea14mo ago
yt videos are all Indian tech support nowadays
Galvanized Square Steel for europe and for us btw
bluejeansOP13mo ago
what about korea
Galvanized Square Steel
i think still works well there
mythea13mo ago
use dnsbench from grc
Galvanized Square Steel
dns jumper works good too

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