permanent ban
last year the 8th I went to connect to Valorant and I got a permanent ban message for using third party software.
I have spent too much time and money on my account to even think about doing that.
I wrote the first ticket a five month ago (I've written 5 now) and I haven't received a response to any of them. I think it would be as easy as looking at the IP of the last games played.
Thanks for helping me in this process.

386 Replies
the account you played on when you got banned is permanently banned. not even support will recover / unban it
idk thats how 3rd party bans work
Why did I eat because I didn't do anything?
not much you can do abt it
idk why you ate either
if not even the people answering tickets help you then youre screwed
Valorant says it has evidence, I would be very happy if you could at least show it.
Or if you don't look at my matches on my account, you will understand
doesnt really matter <:2_PeepoShrug:615931038094458910> ban is ban
at least you can technically still play the game
I threw in about six tickets.
I invested a lot of money in that fold, why would I do such a stupid thing as cheating?
Ok can you tell me why I got banned?
at this point i dunno if its trolling or not
How do you want me to prove myself?
Idk, but, not much you can do abt it
because @VANGUARD saw some suspicious application / file on your pc i guess
my account name A R E S #ACEE

sometimes vanguard ca neven detect your android emulator ....<:val_PepeShrug:1163490621122687037>
Then show the file and show what kind of file it is.
im not vanguard
How do I need to prove myself then?
action will not be reversed."

hesabımın geçmişine felan bakamıyor musun
Can't you look at my account history or something?
no i cant
well yes i can, but that wouldnt change anything, since this is not the official support
Then tell me what should I do?
make a new account and keep playing / dont play the game anymore
Then I reserved it for support purposes.
What do you do as support?
what do you mean 

Is there anyone I can speak to officially?
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
How do you help as the support team?
i guess you apply for a job and then you are a riot employee
I did not mean that
what did you mean then
Why don't you do anything while calling yourself support?
he is not support

What are you doing then?
im offering my help to people who ask for help
Is there anyone else I can talk to other than you?
@A R E S here you go
You helped me very well, thank you

Isn't ıt a real person?
@Geniux is alright
what ?
Isn't he a real person?
Isn't it real?
idk what your saying writing the same thing will not change anything
@OsWaynZz is real
@VANGUARD is not real - just leads you to official support
So how can I understand why I got banned?
So why did I get banned?
what to do?
what did i do?
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
you click and here you go
we cant do anything we are not the support
he doesn't give a definitive answer
they do
I submitted 6 tickets and asked the same question again and again and got the same answer.
Not to me neither
if they cant help you, noone can
Always I open a ticket and they closed instantly
only answer Blizbot
yeah show ?
When I asked him I got the same answer
"This action will not be reversed."
so you got an answer ?
so why the fck you complain, cannot be reversed, what you cannot understand ?
I'm already asking you bro
To apply unfairly
are you really stupid or are you trolling ?
I'm stupid, I have no job, I'm trolling you
case solved
we are not the support, there is no support member on this server, the channel is call #community-help so its mean we are the community
I'm asking you why you got banned, you don't even have a definitive answer, are you calling yourself support?
it can be reversed if an actual riot employee looks at it and there is a definitive proof he didnt play that game and it show a different IP from another country
Can they take a look then please?
what do you dont understand ? WE ARE NOT THE SUPPORT
you have to contact a riot employee from somewhere xD
official twiter maybe
then just leave, if u dont have anything better, ty for coming
Do you think they will come back?
they will not, if they say cannot be reversed on the ban, it cannot
you dont help at all, its called community help, and this guy as 2 iq
You don't help at all, you support yourself.
your brain dont do either
this is comunity support?, this doesnt help anyone
here you go support
how funny
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
this is the support
no one cant help you
how community can help you on a ban other than giving you the link to the support ?
It doesn't work, how many times did we send tickets?
what are you doing here
but you know what to do if the tickets are ignored by IA?
1 time -> it doesnt work -> no unban 

I would like to meet an official person at least.
you will not find a riot support member on this server
accept it, better way
if they are opened in the correct topic, they are answered by a bot that just tells you that the ban will continue
Isn't this server Valorant?
because we talk a boot
then i want a refund of everything, just that, i didnt nothing
we need a person riot person
go ask your bank then
you will not find a riot support member on this server
not here tho, as this is not the support
ı agree
Look, what she replied is that I only banned her, there are no explanations.
if you buy with your card you can block the payment
o dont want support me
because its not the support ? idk what you dont understand
yes we need riot support
@A R E S@𝕽𝖆𝖃𝖎𝖆𝖓@Bakusin ask about 5 time screen of the support message you didnt send any
Isn't the official server of valorant the track? I support it, how is it not?
@Bakusin ı read your reason of ban
Isn't it the official server of Valorant? Isn't there an official person?
no its not, its a community server, made by one riot staff that dont work at the support
so no one cant help you
1- yes it is
2- no, as the server is COMMUNITY-RUN
I don't believe it in my life because there is only one
you help other people?
that riot person can forward those thing to riot support ?
yes, as far as my help can go
Then you are not an official person either.
we usually tell people what people can do about their problems
yes, if we can, and we cannot unban
If you cannot help, refer us to someone authorized. @OsWaynZz
yes pls bro
hmm im not sure ares understand x)
we can tell
9 years old are not for discord nor game
Isn't there an official person?
he is playing valorant anyways xD
there is
go on google
@𝕽𝖆𝖃𝖎𝖆𝖓@A R E S you will not find a riot support member on this server
@𝕽𝖆𝖃𝖎𝖆𝖓@A R E S you will not find a riot support member on this server
@𝕽𝖆𝖃𝖎𝖆𝖓@A R E S you will not find a riot support member on this server
Brother, we are foreigners and our translation may be different from what you said.
and search up
valorant support ticket
search that up
and type your unban reason or whatever
and boom your done
how much funny safdsadfsafsa
we try it
but nothing
you have to wait 1-5 work days
they alr didnt get help from support 

it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen
we wait 2moon
i got help
then your ban was for a reason
you wont get unbanned
So why was I banned? I want to see this.
Isn't it my right?
The reason for our ban is that another friend entered this account and banned it. It is a 3rd party software ban.
why would you let someone else play on your account?
sharing account is bannable here you go
legit ban
Well, that kid went and cheated in another game, and as if it wasn't enough that she got her own account banned, she got this account banned too.
1) 3rd party ban = cheating = bannable
2) sharing accoung = bannable
its right
I want to see why I got banned and why I got banned, I want to know how it happened.
sometimes im happy some people are stuck with a 4 M HWID ngl
using you brain at more than 10% unlock all the answer you need
i want a ban perm hwid for those people
@A R E S did u play at any internet cafes?
just ip ban the mainboard

Safasfasdfsa, thank you very much, you are very helpful.
if you want to learn some french
ta maman est un garage renault
bro If we are going to use more than 10% of our brain, use it too and bring a smart Riot employee to this server.
no tf you didn't
ı dont undersatnd
what i didnt ?
did u share ur account with anyone
German vehicles are much better
bro went to french
i did he piss me off
yes they are
did you read
if u shared ur acc with a cheater regardless if they cheated on ur acc or not it will be perm banned
if they just logged in on it
i can go to italian, german, russia also
bruder was
ich kann nicht mehr
der macht das auch noch live 

i only talk about their familty in those language
Chief, we don't understand French.
speak turkish bro
you dont understand english also
cringe fr
I don't understand bro, you have the meaning in Turkish
dicen que no, pero no esperes ayuda de estos dos, el del gato y el olinoseque
ok ok
where are you from
They say no, but don't expect help from these two, the one with the cat and the olinoseque
hes from eu:)
your worst support nightmare
google translate said "annen bir Renault garajı, yasağını kaldıramazsın"
konuşma lan gavat
pero si consideran que ya han terminado con la ayuda, que se vayan, lo demas es molestar

@𝕽𝖆𝖃𝖎𝖆𝖓 @Bakusin @A R E S
annene hürmetler
I didnt share anything
only süßwasserpiraten here
ı dont understand
yeah ı read
maybe hacked
no he is our friend
but he use roblox hack 😄
im saying maybe his account was hacked
Isn't there a person here?
we are all persons
google translate said "gerçek bir arkadaş edinmeyi denedin mi"
and depending on the roblox cheat it could have done something that triggered vanguard
is it HWID banned?
How do we understand it?
yeah like you 🙂
me too idk why but now your my friend
ı said We are very good friends with your mother. She comes to my house every evening.
We don't know how we can understand this and if we understand this, how will we explain Riot?
annelere birlikte hakaret edeceğiz
300€ is unlucky, but theres nothing you can do about it anymore
HWID ban is when ur PC is banned from playing the game
you said You said if you use 10% of your brain
like when u log in on new accs they get banned too
i adopt you, your my friend from now, i am going to message you at 3 am
and i got angry
come on man
W friend
I'm getting ready for the kick box championship, come and meet me in the ring.
So, if something like this is happening, how do we explain it, Riota?
oh really ? i do muay thai brother
okey let fight in the ring
we have so much in commun <:val_KekwSob:914192985166610433>
See you at the international championship, if you can come there, I will come for you.
okey bro
we dont play in the same league sadly i think
how many kilos are you?
if ur HWID banned i can maybe help u
@Bakusin we changes topics a while ago, they are best friends now 

me too
ı m 68
oh my god your mother also xd
How can I understand it?
The reason I want to meet you in the ring is for your mother.
Where can I look?
can u play on other accounts?
really ? you like it dead since 2 years ago ?
Don't try to talk to me about my mother, I'm warning you.
strange but i respect
I can access those registered in the new account.
I don't believe you
If it is true, may God have mercy on you, my condolences.
annene hürmetler🙏
atleast you got one
hold on
okey bro
@𝕽𝖆𝖃𝖎𝖆𝖓 im out i need to train, have a nice day, hope you mother will live a long life and you will win the international tournament because i didnt get qualified but my friend did
eywallah kardeş
başın sağolsun
thank love you

can someone help
there u go

thx bro
This entire thread is brain rot wth
fr you got the king in friend ?
ı dont understand
u tried to inject a cheat
and u got banned
whats that
his ban reason
oh nice 👍
yeah his friend use the account
ıts me ?
you have some cool friends
sharing account is bannable, he had cheat on his account so his pc and @A R E S one got ban
i figured why your name is gigacat
he goes by gigachad
It's banned, at least get a 3 month ban
So now it can't be opened at all?
no your account is dead but you will be able to create a new account after 4 month of ban
cheat is cheat sadly account cannot be recover
Your account is banned and you can’t get back in ever 😭
bro where are you from
Your account is banned and you can’t get back in ever @gigacat
Crazy how it took 370 messages to explain that
why everyone said you cant unbanned
Can you send me the proof?
Because.. you can’t
because the account will not be unbanned

Do you have it while playing the game?
I wish it was all about this 😄 @OsWaynZz
i already sent it 😄
i got a friend atleast lol
No, I want to know if I used the cheat somewhere in the game.
Is there any proof that I used cheats while playing the game?
they cannot show what fill got ban if they do that can give cheater a way to make their cheat harder to detect
now stop tagging me
How can we reach the official?
but gamerdoc is a senior of riot and you also said you shared your account so subject close
ı want to talk him
Idk how you have the patience to argue about it for this long 😭
you will not be able to
thank you for your help
im just bored
Same, I’ve read all 396 messages
I’m a minor
riot support tickets
So yeah
So can we talk to the Riot official?
We talk to bots in our country
The community help forum is managed by the community and does not offer any official Riot support. You can create a support ticket at for official support.
A bot answers the ticket, we want to talk to a real person.
I'm so jealous I saw your chat but not my fate, I want to play but it's impossible
because my account was permanently suspended and I was accused of using a third party program
and my appeal ticket was not granted
@gigacat see what i meant with

I have little faith left 😞
Our friend, who got this ban, got an ip ban himself and was able to undo the ip ban, but we cannot get this little ban unblocked.
honestly? i dont
ban? who are you talking about

You’ve been here arguing longer than I have 🫡
I got a little left

This account makes me feel small compared to my IP ban.
i think i dont speak english anymore
your case is similar to mine,
when I was on hiatus for 2 weeks and I found out my account was banned permanently
if asked to swear I will swear by God or even anything
I never use third party programs
I sent them an appeal ticket
As a result they even accused me and said my device was suspended too
even though nothing happened to my device
only my account was affected
mause app
yes bro
if you use macro- and riot seen you banned
no one uses anything
Unfair ban and still not opening
Me neither, this is confusing 😞
Bro, what can we do, we are Turks too
ill just head to gen chat, theres much more to understand 

yes sir
In fact, I've already spent some
USD exchange rate 400$
to buy weapon skins
and they said I have to accept the decision and create a new account
If I'm wrong I will accept that decision
but I felt like I had done nothing wrong and they punished me
ı agree
I don't think I did anything wrong either
@A R E S no matter who u talk to, your account can not be unbanned. Riot doesn't provide proofs. It is what it is.
I wonder why the rebellion does not provide evidence, then how is the ban determined?**
they keep it a secret
I wonder why, I wonder how I got banned?
keep wondering, 1 day u won't 👍
Your answer was very useful, thank you
bro, vanguard can detect everything which it doesn't like
okey thx
also, riot as a company can't even think about revealing what may trigger vanguard, bc it will expose weaknesses of vanguard
okey thank you
even cheats or mods for other games can trigger it
thats messed up
nah, it is just vanguard
Thank you for helping to distribute it to everyone and I would appreciate it if you could forgive my bad English.
kinda invasive anticheat
naur bro 💀 i spent 500$ on my account and got banned for a roblox auto fish script
and the funniest thing, vanguarg detected it as a cheat
me too for the same reason
vanguard wants you to play legit, even in roblox
💀 imagine getting banned in valorant bcs u made a script for roblox
what a great AC
i hate this game
why would u even wanna cheat in any 

i mean....
can't play fair?
its allowed in pet simulator 99
like just use it while ur off valo n delete the script when ur on
thats actually smart
idk why
but i asked Riot Support, and they say this:

and look at the final sentence
at least a real human answers you
valid response from support
if you don't cheat in these (other) games
bc i asked about having mods for other games
and now i am not sure
does it really react, if i use mods or cheats in other games?
bc this answer frightened me
my ticket didnt get closed in the first 30min
Maybe a real human answers my ticket