secure boot and tpm 2.0 error on windows 10
How do i fix this pls (im using boot camp to run windows 10 on my macbook pro mid 2012)

58 Replies
Pls help how do i fix this?
In order to get Vanguard, VALORANTβs anti-cheat, to work on your computer you most enable secure boot and TPM 2.0. Here are some resources that will assist you in the process:
VALORANT Support on Van 9001 & 9003:
Microsoft Support on Secure Boot:
Microsoft Support on TPM 2.0:
In advance, you will have to open a ticket on the riot website and wait for them to respond, if it doesn't resolve it, just buy another motherboard, or if your PC supports TPM 2.0 and just activate it!
There is zero need to open a ticket
Please press win + r
Then enter msinfo32
And send a photo of the app that opens
Please do this ^
@Saucywan what do you need it for?
To see if secure boot is supported
and if tpm is supported
Its in french
thats fine
There you go
From what I can translate. Secure boot is not supported
But your pc is a macbook
Yeah that why
So you cant play valorant
Yes i can i Used boot camp for Windows 10
But now idk why this appears when I want to launch the game even though everything was fine before
Secure boot has to be on, to play valorant
@Geniux you spying
always and everywhere
(not when im sleeping tho, but lets not tell people that i have to sleep to)
Boot camp allows you to be able to install windows
Not enable secure boot
Ok but before i could play valorant idk why now i cant anymore
Like 3 or 4 day ago
Did you update anything?
Like system wise
I think i did a windows update and it was the day after that I could no longer play
open this

Find the drive with c: on it

I have boot camp c:
To the far left, you will right click "disk {number}"

Click properties
Then, volumes

Then send a photo
Where do i click?
Click what?
Right click on what?

this ^
Done all
Send a photo
Yeah, that doesnt help...
Its ok i have other games to play and thx for trying to help me
one more thing
open cmd as admin
list disk
send a photo
Your screwed
Im gonna sleep now
@Saucywan its Was a joke or not
Nope :D
I can erase windows from the pc
Windows isn't the problem, secure boot is a requirement
to be enabled
if you can enabled it, then you can play valorant
Ik but i need bios and i dont have this
Yeah so ^

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This person is a special case where tpm is not the problem